Evangelical Resources on Homosexuality
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Articles
- Websites
- Ministry Referrals
- Books
- Videos
- Audio
- Mailing Lists
- Conferences
- Biblical Passages Relating to Homosexuality
- Observations
- Conclusion
Homosexuality one of the most complicated and difficult subjects faced by Evangelical Christians. For Evangelicals, the Biblical teaching on homosexuality is absolutely clear: Homosexuality behavior is a sin. When Evangelicals encounter individuals engaged in homosexuality, the immediate sin problem often becomes a barrier to further dialogue. Homosexuals themselves, embittered by the label "sinner" they feel Christians pejoratively apply, become belligerent and often aggressive in conversation. As a result, there has been a tremendous rift between the Evangelical community and homosexuals, creating a challenge to those who would build bridges for further dialogue.
Complicating matters, some individuals who claim the name of Christ have openly advocated hatred toward homosexuals, told them they are "going to hell," and have even encouraged criminal action against them. This is entirely contrary to Biblical teaching, and promoting hate against another human being is a sin. Homosexuals are still human beings created in the image of God, albeit fallen and in sin. Christians do not have the right to damn others to hell, only to warn those without Christ of the end of the road they are headed down. Evangelicals have repeatedly spoken against the hate, but the extreme cases are the ones that are reported in media, and are the ones homosexuals remember. The cycle of hate is a nearly insurmountable barrier to dialogue - one that can be broken down only by the love of Christ.
In addition, many homosexuals, still looking to fill spiritual longings within a Christian worldview, have used God's grace to interpret Christian liberty to include homosexuality. This antinomian understanding of grace unfortunately is only half of the gospel message, as it forgets the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life, conforming him to the image of Christ, not to the image of the world. There is a serious danger that the new homosexually inclusive churches will slide far from Biblical orthodoxy and become cults unto themselves in the coming years.
Clearly, this is a complex issue, fraught with misunderstanding and misrepresentation on all sides. As Evangelical Christians, we are called to untangle this web in truth: a role that requires a great discernment, greater patience, and the greatest love possible - that of Jesus Christ. Homosexuals are very much like the lepers during Jesus Christ's ministry - shunned by the religious, but loved by Christ. Evangelicals have a unique opportunity, despite the challenges, to reach out to hurting and lonely people in need of His transforming grace.
As always, this page should be considered a work in progress. Much of the material here, though presented from a conservative perspective, is highly controversial. As such, I need to take a moment to emphasize that I hold myself to a higher standard of source material than a typical fundamentalist Christian (I am evangelical, not fundamentalist) and insist on the use of materials that are respectable in an academic setting. If you feel that anything I have posted here is unfair and inaccurate, or if you have comments, issues, or concerns, please email me directly: michaelh@ductape.net
This is by no means a comprehensive collection of resources available on homosexuality. Many more articles are faithfully blogged by Exodus Media Synopsis:
Exodus Media Synopsis
http://exodus.blogs.com/ ]
General Articles on Homosexuality
- Sue Bohlin, "Homosexual Myths."
Probe Ministries International, 1996
[ http://www.probe.org/docs/homomyth.html ]"While the information in this essay may prove helpful, it is our prayer that you will be able to share it calmly and compassionately, remembering that homosexuality isn't just a political and moral issue; it is also about people who are badly hurting."
This article discusses common myths about homosexuality:
- 10% of the Population Is Homosexual
- People Are Born Gay
- What's Wrong with Two Loving, Committed Men or Women Being Legally Married?
- Jesus Said Nothing about Homosexuality
- Calling Homosexuality a Sin Is Judging, and Judging Is a Sin
- The Romans 1 Passage on Homosexuality Does Not Describe True Homosexuals, but Heterosexuals Who Indulge in Homosexual Behavior That Is Not Natural to Them
- Preaching Against Homosexuality Causes Gay Teenagers to Commit Suicide
Much of the material here is taken from Joe Dallas' A Strong Delusion: Confronting the "Gay Christian" Movement.
- Sue Bohlin, "Can Homosexuals Change?"
Probe Ministries, 2001.
[ http://www.probe.org/content/view/1187/173/ ] - Sue Bohlin, "Homosexuality: Questions and Answers"
[ http://www.probe.org/docs/homo-q&a.html ]Thoughtful answers to complex questions about homosexuality:
- Some people say homosexuality is natural and moral; others say it is unnatural and immoral. How do we know?
- Is homosexuality an orientation God intended for some people, or is it a perversion of normal sexuality?
- What causes a homosexual orientation?
- Wouldn't the presence of pre-conditions let homosexuals "off the hook," so to speak?
- What's the difference between homosexual temptation and sin?
- Isn't it true that "Once gay, always gay?"
- If homosexuality is such an abomination to God, why doesn't it disappear when someone becomes a Christian?
- Does the fact that I had an early homosexual experience mean I'm gay?
- Are homosexuals condemned to hell?
- How do I respond when someone in my life tells me he or she is gay?
- Sue Bohlin, "A Christian Perspective on
From "Mind Games Survival Course Manual," Probe Ministries.Part 1: What the Bible says about homosexuality
[ http://www.northave.org/MGManual/Homosex/Homosex1.htm ]Part 2: Causes of Homosexuality
[ http://www.northave.org/MGManual/Homosex/Homosex2.htm ]Part 3: The World's View vs. a Biblical View
[ http://www.northave.org/MGManual/Homosex/Homosex3.htm ] - Living Hope Ministries, "When Someone In Your Congregation
Says "I'm Gay""
[ http://www.livehope.org/docs/pastors-brochure.html ]This brief article explains how pastors and others in ministry should react when ministering to an individual who thinks he is gay.
- Warren Throckmorton, PhD; Noe Gutierrez, Jr., BA; Jeralee Smith,
MEd; & Chad Thompson, BA, "Respect and the Facts: Response to Just
the Facts About Sexual Orientation and Youth"
[ http://www.drthrockmorton.com/respectandthefacts.pdf ]A paper distributed to the National Education Association annual convention on July 7, 2004.
"There are no subjects more controversial than sexuality and how to discuss sexuality in the schools. This white paper is designed to outline a perspective concerning both issues; a perspective that is informed by social science research and sound practice. On certain points, the perspective may be at odds with the official pronouncements of professional mental health and educational organizations. We think this dialogue of ideas is healthy and necessary." ...
"We respectfully disagree that a careful review of the research (i.e. 'the facts') found in the "Just the Facts" booklet concerning sexual orientation will in some way disrespect gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people. People of goodwill are able to dialogue concerning these issues without conveying disrespect for human dignity."
- Travis Allen, "Hope for the Homosexual"
[ http://www.fredsbibletalk.com/fb020.html ]"My first close interaction with someone trapped in homosexuality was in 1996. Though I didn't understand the depth or breadth of homosexual sin, I was convinced of one thing: Jesus Christ could save and transform the homosexual.
"The man I met in 1996 had struggled with homosexuality his whole life. He had been severely abused by those closest to him and had tried everything he could to escape 'the struggle.' He had invested in marriage, religious cults, career success, and materialism, but everything had failed. He came to me after yet another 'fix' had let him down. His psychiatrist gave him some psychotropic drugs and encouraged him to move close to his family where he could give up the struggle and 'come out.' I shared the gospel of grace with him, and that began a relationship that has continued to this day.
"I made many mistakes in trying to disciple this friend, mistakes I hope to help others avoid. There was so much I didn't understand, so much I wish I could do over. But the Lord planned to teach me through it all to better understand the issue and to help others. I have seen what can happen when the Holy Spirit is working in a person's life, and I have seen what will never happen when the Holy Spirit is not present in a person's life - both observations have proved invaluable lessons for me."
- Lehman Strauss, Litt.D., F.R.G.S. "Homosexuality: The
Christian Perspective"
[ http://www.bible.org/docs/splife/chrhome/homo.htm ]This article carefully works through a number of questions often asked about Homosexuality:
- What is homosexuality?
- How does one determine if the practice of homosexuality is right or wrong?
- What explicitly does the Bible teach about homosexuality?
- Sexual intercourse outside of marriage is condemned in the Bible. How do you explain marriage ceremonies in which two persons of the same sex are united by an officiating clergyman or justice of the peace?
- Why do homosexuals refer to themselves as "gay"?
- What is the meaning of the word "effeminate" in I Corinthians 6:9?
- There are those persons who say that homosexuality, even though a perverted form of the normal, God-ordained practice of sex, is a genetic problem, constitutionally inherited. Is there evidence to support this view?
- Are there contributing factors to homosexuality for which a homosexual might not be responsible?
- ...and many others.
What should be the Christian's attitude toward the homosexual?
"We must always keep before us the fact that homosexuals, like all of us sinners, are the objects of God's love. The Bible says, "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Jesus Christ "is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world" (I John 2:2). The Christian who shares God's love for lost sinners will seek to reach the homosexual with the gospel of Christ, which "is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth" (Romans 1:16). As a Christian I should hate all sin but I can find no justification for hating the sinner. The homosexual is a precious soul for whom Christ died. We Christians can show him the best way of life by pointing him to Christ. Our Lord said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). We are obligated to take the gospel to all."
- Linda Belleville, "One Flesh (Part I): The Old Testament on
Cornerstone (ISSN 0275-2743), Vol. 27, Issue 114 (1998), p. 43-44, 46
[ http://www.cornerstonemag.com/features/iss114/1flesh1.html ]Linda Belleville, "One Flesh (Part II): The New Testament on Sexuality"
Cornerstone (ISSN 0275-2743), Vol. 27, Issue 115 (1998), p. 35-38, 40
[ http://www.cornerstonemag.com/features/iss115/1flesh2.html ]Linda Belleville, "One Flesh (Part III): The Same Sex Challenge"
Cornerstone (ISSN 0275-2743), Vol. 28, Issue 116 (1999), p. 45, 47-48
[ http://www.cornerstonemag.com/features/iss116/samesex.html ] - Jeff Olson, "When Passions Are Confused"
A Radio Bible Class booklet.
[ http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/ds/cb962/ ]This online booklet discusses the common misconceptions about same-sex attraction with sensitivity to a questioning reader.
"A friend or family member's struggle with homosexuality surprises and frightens far too many Christians. Many feel shocked and afraid, and typically withdraw. At best, some recommend counseling or encourage them simply to stop. In either case, they miss the core issues of pain and sin.
"Presume for a moment that we had eyes to see the core issues of pain and sin in the human heart. Knowing the agony in our own hearts, knowing the different streaks of lust and independence that we all wrestle with, an individual's battle with homosexuality would not take us off guard or immobilize us with fear. Consequently, we'd be better friends." ...
"If we open our eyes to see the pain and potential for lust in all of us, and if we allow the depth of our own sin to humble us, we can reach out with true compassion and create a context where individuals will feel open to reveal their homosexual struggles, hear the truth, and find hope."
- Sy Rogers, "Questions I'm Asked Most about
[ http://www.firststone.org/articles/topics/homosexuality/questions_i'm_asked_most_about_homosexualty.htm ]"For over a decade I have worked in the specialized and somewhat controversial field of helping those desiring to overcome the control of homosexuality. It has proven to be quite a learning experience! My own story of recovery from sexual brokenness has been widely publicized, resulting in people contacting me from all over the world.
"I've discovered that regardless of the continent or culture, those seeking out understanding about homosexuality generally ask the same questions."
- Does Having Homosexual Fantasies Mean You Are Homosexual?
- Are Homosexuals "Born" or "Made"?
- What Would Be Other Factors in Encouraging the Development of Homosexuality?
- There Are Those Who Would Argue That Homosexuality Cannot Be Changed. Nor Should It Need To Be. What Do You Say?
- There Are Critics of Your Efforts Who Say that People Who Attempt To Overcome Homosexuality Are Just "Martyrs", Repressing Their True Sexuality ... Or That People Who Did Change Were Never True Homosexuals To Begin With. And What About Those Who Tried To Change but Went Back to Homosexuality?
- The Homosexual Issue Has Also Created Controversy in the Religious Arena. Some Say God Condemns Homosexuals. Others Say Homosexuality Is a Gift from God. What Is Your Opinion?
- Wouldn't Promiscuity among Homosexuals Decrease If "Being Gay", and Gay Weddings Were Socially Accepted?
- Does My Ministry Risk Encouraging Homophobia?
- How Do You Help People with Homosexual Problems?
- Richard G. Howe, "Homosexuality in America: Exposing the
[ http://www.afa.net/homosexual_agenda/homosexuality.pdf ]A 1994 American Family Association pamphlet summarizing a variety of myths about homosexuality. Includes supporting tables and footnotes.
- John Ankerberg, Barry Pintar. "Understanding Homosexuality
and Experiencing Genuine Change."
A transcription of John Ankerberg's early 1993 five-part TV show interviewing a variety of people, based on the video by Barry Pintar.
Part 1:
[ http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/gays1.html ]Part 2:
[ http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/gays2.html ]Part 3:
[ http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/gays3.html ]Part 4:
[ http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/gays4.html ]Part 5:
[ http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/gays5.html ] - Joseph P. Gudel, "Homosexuality: Fact and Fiction (Part
[ http://www.equip.org/free/DH055-1.htm ]Joseph P. Gudel, "That Which Is Unnatural: Homosexuality in Society, the Church, and Scripture"
[ http://www.equip.org/free/DH055-2.htm ] - Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. "The Bible and Homosexual Practice:
Theology, Analogies, and Genes"
[ http://www.pts.edu/gagnon1.pdf ]Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. "The Bible and Homosexual Practice: An Overview of Some Issues"
[ http://www.pts.edu/gagnon2.pdf ]Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. "A Response to Walter Wink’s Christian Century Review of The Bible and Homosexual Practice"
[ http://www.pts.edu/gagnon3.pdf ]Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. "The Authority of Scripture in the "Homosex" Debate"
[ http://www.pts.edu/gagnon4.pdf ]Zenit.Org interview with Robert A. J. Gagnon. "A Christian Researcher Says Biblical Prohibition Is Categorical"
[ http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=18375 ] - Michael Spencer, "In The Gay Ol' Summertime"
[ http://www.internetmonk.com/gayold.html ] - Charles A. McIlhenny, "Ministering to Homosexuals in San
Ordained Servant, vol. 6, no.1 (January 1997)
[ http://opc.org/OS/html/V6/1c.html ]As pastor I have the sure "medicine" for sin and relief in the preaching of the gospel. The ultimate counseling session must be done in the corporate worship service not merely private sessions; the full extent of the divinely appointed-ordinances of the Lord are necessary to combat and destroy every high thing and thought exalted against the Lord. Families in the church must be made aware of their needed role in ministering to individuals struggling with sin. Yet at the same time a person's sexual past is really nobody else's business. A group gathering of like minded repentant homosexuals must not congregate to talk out their mutual trials. Such sessions subtly foster rather than battle temptations. The mixed "heterogeneous" congregation common ground for all is God's safest sanctuary for biblical "group-therapy."
- Gil Rugh, "Homosexuality: A Biblical Perspective"
[ http://www.biblebb.com/files/HOMOSEX2.HTM ] - P. Michael Ukleja, "Homosexuality and the Old
[ http://www.biblebb.com/files/HOMOSEX.HTM ] - Greg Bahnsen, "Homosexuality as a Sin"
[ http://www.antithesis.com/features/homosexuality.html ] - John Piper, "The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality"
Desiring God Ministries (October 11, 1998)
[ http://www.desiringgod.org/library/sermons/98/101198.html ] - John Piper, "Bethlehem's Position on Homosexuality"
Bethlehem Baptist Church (August 6, 2003)
[ http://www.desiringgod.org/library/fresh_words/2003/080603.html ] - Brian Schwertley, "What Does the Bible Say about
[ http://reformedonline.com/view/reformedonline/homosex.htm ]"Homosexuality is portrayed by many in government, in public education and in our colleges and universities as just one of many normal, legitimate lifestyle choices. Those who oppose the homosexual lifestyle on moral and religious grounds are usually portrayed by the intellectual elite, the media and the entertainment industry as ignorant bigots who are full of hatred, "homophobic," and so on. It is true that some people hate homosexuals. Some people even engage in "gay bashing." But it must be remembered that people who engage in such activities are sinning against God; they are not at all living in accordance with the law of Christ."
Articles on "Coming Out" of Homosexuality
- Living Hope Ministries, "Keys to Recovery from Same-Sex
[ http://www.livehope.org/docs/keys_to_recovery.html ]Things to remember for those who are recovering from Same-Sex attraction.
- Matt Kaufman, "Not Afraid to Come Out"
[ http://www.boundless.org/1999/features/a0000026.html ]"The good news is, homosexuality is neither inevitable nor inescapable. Ask Michael Johnston, an HIV-positive ex-gay and chairman of National Coming Out of Homosexuality Day, also celebrated on Oct. 11.
"'Our goal is to provide a Christian world view - to tell people that many of us have come out of homosexuality, and that we're willing to offer a helping hand to those who want to do the same,' Johnston told Boundless."
- Frank Worthen, "How to Deal with Same-Sex
[ http://www.newhope123.org/same_sex.htm ]"One of the most difficult battles faced by those overcoming homosexuality is working through attractions they still have to people of the same sex. Often, the enemy capitalizes on the situation to induce guilt, condemnation, and feelings of hopelessness and failure." ...
"It seems that most people, whether homosexual or not, are on a constant search for approval. We all have deep insecurities and need the input of others in our lives. Our approval, however, must first come from God or we will never be satisfied and will always be on an endless search."
- Frank Worthen, "Ex-Gay: Fact, Fraud, or Fantasy?"
[ http://www.newhope123.org/xgay_fact.htm ]"Ex-gay" is a term which always brings a response. For the most part, the gay community believes this is a total lie. They deny that it is possible to become ex-gay. It is their belief that "ex-gay" is a fraudulent term. Most come from the standpoint that a homosexual orientation is inborn, that it cannot be changed. They frequently equate the homosexual orientation with being left-handed, or with the color of one's skin." ...
"...[W]e do not attempt to make heterosexuals out of homosexuals. Rather, we attempt to change a person's identity, the way a person looks at himself. It is not biblical to use our past sin as our God-given identity. We encourage the former gay to drop the label "homosexual" from his life. However, we do not ask him to become dishonest about his struggle with homosexuality. He is a Christian who has a homosexual problem, rather than a homosexual who believes in Christ Jesus. It is our hope that a person struggling with homosexuality will come to a place of wholeness in Christ. Then, from a position of strength, he can decide whether to marry or whether to remain single. We hope that each person will keep an open mind on marriage until they come to that place of maturity where they know that they could handle a marriage situation properly, if God led them into it."
- Esly Carvalho, "Homosexuality: Christian Approaches"
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_counseling_11.shtml ]This article analyzes three common views of the nature of homosexuality, and then critically examines each with respect to treatment options.
"Those clients I have treated have not been healed overnight. Months, and at times years, of counseling took place, but the overall results were very positive: almost all of them have married, something that for them was totally out of the question at the onset of their recovery process. (It is important to note that marriage does not cure homosexuality and should never be sought as such. And that being married does not mean they are cured either, since anyone can lead a double life, as Sy Rogers so well puts it. However, these were clients for whom marriage was a very remote although desirable goal.) "
Articles on Struggling against Sin
- Bob Davies, Lori Thorkelson-Rentzel, "Relinquishment: What
Does It Really Mean to Let Go?"
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_friends_10.shtml ] - Douglas Houck, "Exodus Metaphor"
[ http://associate.com/ministry_files/The_Reading_Room/Ministry_to_Homosexuals/An_Exodus_freedom_from_gay_li.shtml ] - Douglas Houck, "Jesus in the Desert"
[ http://associate.com/ministry_files/The_Reading_Room/Ministry_to_Homosexuals/Jesus_In_The_Desert.shtml ] - Doug Houck, "Pornography: Attitude & Addiction"
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_counseling_04.shtml ] - Robbi Kenney, "Confession: Gateway to Wholeness."
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_prevention_28.shtml ] - Robbi Kenney, "Endogenous Temptation and Spiritual
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_prevention_29.shtml ] - David Wilkerson, "Two of Me: The Struggle with Sin"
[ http://www.tscpulpitseries.org/english/minibook/2ofme.html ]
Articles on the Possibility of Change
- Ben Newman, "Research Shows Change is Real"
[ http://pathinfo.ihostsites.net/Change_Is_Real.htm ]This page presents a significant amount of research studies that have demonstrated that change in one's sexual orientation is possible.
"Anecdotal evidence that change is possible is abundant. First-person testimonials abound on the Internet, at recovery conferences and in reparative literature.
"But the evidence is much more than anecdotal. In more than 50 years of research, including 48 studies we will reference here, there are data and published accounts documenting easily more than 3,000 cases of change from homosexual to heterosexual attraction, identity and functioning." ...
"Thus you have at least 418 cases in the published psychological literature of heterosexual orientation shift, according to the criteria used by the "Possibility of Change" project. However, the studies themselves actually report at least 563 subjects who experienced varying degrees of change toward increased heterosexuality. (The lower number is due to the project reviewers applying uniform criteria, years after the fact, to summarize more than 50 years of published studies, and thus excluding reports that didn't fit their criteria for analysis.)
"Some may argue that many of these studies are old, and thus outdated. But old and outdated are not synonymous. Research doesn't "go bad" with time alone, like old bread. Older research can be confirmed, expanded, reinterpreted or contradicted by new, better designed or more thorough research. But age alone never invalidates a research study. And it is striking that these 31 studies, conducted over 50-some years, consistently show at least some evidence for sexual orientation shift, every time."
- Bob Davies, "Are Exodus ministries flakey?"
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_Society_14.shtml ] - Doug Houck, "Orientation: Psychological and Theological Dead
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_additionalarticles_06.shtml ] - Doug Houck, "Repression or True Change?"
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/library_church_14.shtml ]
Articles on Genetic Theories
- "Homosexuality: Born or Bred?"
Newsweek (February 24, 1992)This article was the first major article to bring into the national dialogue research that homosexuality may have biological or genetic factors. Despite the cover impression that a "gay gene" had been discovered, this article gives a fairly balanced consideration to various sides of the debate on the meaning of the research from a secular perspective.
"...Instead of resolving the debate, the studies may well have intensified it. Some scientists profess not to be surprised at all by LeVay's finding of brain differences. 'Of course it [sexual orientation] is in the brain,' says Johns Hopkins University psychologist John Money, sometimes called the dean of American sexologists. 'The real question is, when did it get there? Was it prenatal, neonatal, during childhood, puberty? That we do not know.'"
- NARTH: Is Homosexuality Genetic?
[ http://narth.com/menus/born.html ]The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality retains a significant archive of articles on the question of a genetic basis for homosexuality on its website.
- Christopher Wolfe, "Born to be defiled? Phony science posits
"gay gene" theory"
[ http://www.antithesis.com/commentary/born.html ]"Ultimately, sound understandings of the common good and our religious faith both command compassion for those dealing with same-sex attractions. But legitimization of homosexuality is not true compassion. It is destructive for homosexuals, and for society at large. We must not offer such false hope."
- Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. "The Complex Interaction Of Genes
And Environment: A Model For Homosexuality"
[ http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/narth/1995papers/satinover.html ]"Most people do not realize that the discovery that there is a degree of genetic heritability to homosexuality is a meaningless finding. It is being put forth to the public by activists as though it has great import when it actually has none. This is because there is no evidence (and it is highly unlikely that there ever will be any) that suggests that there are genes which code for homosexuality itself. In other words heritability of (or genetic influence on) a trait does not mean that the trait itself is genetically determined. This elementary fact of behavioral genetics is rarely explained and it seems counterintuitive to most people."
- Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. "The Gay Gene?"
Journal of Human Sexuality
[ http://www.leaderu.com/jhs/satinover.html ]"In the case of homosexuality, the inherited traits that are more common among homosexuals (and that produce "non-zero heritability" in studies) might include such qualities as greater than average tendency to anxiety, shyness, sensitivity, intelligence, aesthetic abilities and so on. (Of course, these traits may themselves be further reducible to a variety of mutually influencing, associated genetic and non-genetic factors.) The brain changes that are more prevalent among homosexuals, the tendency of homosexuality to run in families (and to vary with degree of genetic similarity within families) and the presence of associated chromosomal markings are all certainly due to as yet unresearched and therefore not- yet-identified intermediate traits. There is no evidence that homosexuality itself is inherited."
- New Direction for Life Ministries "Are People 'Born Gay?' A
look at the most cited biological research studies"
[ http://www.newdirection.ca/a_biol.htm ]"'Born gay.' The idea that homosexuality is genetic, or at least biologically predetermined and unchangeable, has received a great amount of media coverage presenting it as "new scientific fact." What is often not known is that this "born gay" idea is not new, not proven, and frequently contradicted by what the researchers actually said. At least as far back as 1899, German researcher Magnus Hirschfeld regarded homosexuality as congenital - meaning, "born that way" - and he asked for legal equality based on this thinking.
"Now, a century later, the idea that homosexual persons are born that way has again received a great amount of media attention. As new research studies were published, the popular press presented these as evidence that people are "born gay" and that sexual orientation is therefore unchangable. What has been quietly happening, though, is that the "science" behind this idea is falling apart. Here we briefly examine the three most cited studies, from Simon LeVay, Michael Bailey & Richard Pillard, and Dean Hamer."
- New Direction for Life Ministries, "A Developmental View of
Homosexuality: A brief summary of the full paper"
[ http://www.newdirection.ca/a_dev.htm ]"For those men and women who find their homosexuality in opposition to their value system or contrary to their beliefs about who they truly are, a developmental view offers insight and understanding, and hope for change that goes beyond behavioral choices to the depths of their hearts and minds."
The complete 32-page paper can be found online here:
New Direction for Life Ministries, "A Developmental View of Homosexuality"
[ http://www.newdirection.ca/a_dev2.htm ] - R. Albert Mohler, "Is Homosexuality in the Genes?"
June 9th, 2004
[ http://www.crosswalk.com/news/weblogs/mohler/?adate=4/15/2004#1257420 ]"Homosexual advocates have won a massive victory in the court of public opinion, and they won without even having to prove their case. Millions of Americans simply assume that science has "discovered" a genetic basis for homosexual attraction and behavior, and then assume that this would mean that homosexuality is just a predetermined trait. Of course, no genetic basis for homosexuality has ever been proved, and scientists are deeply divided over the very idea that homosexuality-or any human behavior-can be traced to our genetic structure." ...
"Both serious and ludicrous arguments are now put forth claiming a genetic basis for, among other things, alcoholism, gambling addictions, violent behavior, and even excessive television watching. All of these represent efforts to remove social stigma and to classify sinful behaviors as normal, or at least understandable. But, as a 1994 report in Science stated, "Time and time again, scientists have claimed that particular genes or chromosomal regions are associated with behavioral traits, only to withdraw their findings when they were not replicated.""
Another copy of this article may be found online here:
[ http://www.gender-news.com/other.php?id=22 ] - "What Does Science Say About Homosexuality?"
[ http://www.inqueery.com/html/science_and_homosexuality.html ]"Most researchers, by this time, have come to the conclusion that sexual orientation is likely determined by a complex interaction between a person's genetic make-up and their environment. However, there are still some who claim that science has found a "gay gene." Let's take a look at the research that’s been done to try and find a genetic cause for homosexuality."
This article also includes a discussion of the debate over the APA's delisting of homosexuality as a psychopathology in the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth edition (DSM-IV):
"The first version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopath personality disturbance. In 1968, the second version (DSM II) reclassified homosexuality as a sexual deviancy. Soon afterward, gay protestors began picketing at the APA’s annual conventions, demanding that homosexuality be removed from the list completely. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous disturbances by gay activists, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from it’s next manual (DSM IV) completely.
"What followed was a swarm of outrage from psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with the decision and demanded that the issue be reconsidered. In 1974, a referendum was called and approximately 40 percent of the APA’s membership voted to put homosexuality back into the DSM IV. Since a majority was not achieved to reverse the decision, homosexuality remains omitted from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical manual.
"Many in the scientific community have criticized the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM IV, claiming it’s motives were more political than scientific. Dr. Ronald Bayer, author of the book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry writes:
"The entire process, from the first confrontation organized by gay demonstrators to the referendum demanded by orthodox psychiatrists, seemed to violate the most basic expectations about how questions of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in sober discussion of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political controversy. The result was not a conclusion based on an approximation of the scientific truth as dictated by reason, but was instead an action demanded by the ideological temper of the times."
Articles on Same-Sex Marriage
- Gregory Koukl, "Same-Sex Marriage: Challenges and
Solid Ground, May/June 2004This article is available for purchase through the Stand To Reason website:
[ http://www.str.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Solid_Ground_Index ]"America is entangled in the most heated battle of the culture wars to date. Many consider it a Waterloo. State supreme courts and city governments, senators and congressmen, community leaders, celebrities, and even clergy all have mounted a powerful offensive in support of gay "marriage". What follows is a point-by-point reply to those who are demanding this revision of civilization." ...
"Homosexuality is broadly tolerated in this country. Gays are allowed to pursue their "lifestyles" without reprisal, even to the point of forming committed, monogamous unions. They may not be universally respected or admired, but they have the liberty to live as they choose. This is all they have the right to demand."
- Questions and Answers: What's Wrong With Letting Same-Sex Couples
[ http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IF03H01 ]"The debate over "marriage" for same-sex couples has been framed as an issue of "equal rights" - but it is not. The real issue is the definition of what "marriage" is. This paper explains how history, anthropology, and sociology demonstrate that a marriage cannot exist without the presence of both a man and a woman."
- J. Budziszewski, "So-Called Marriage"
[ http://www.boundless.org/regulars/office_hours/a0000865.html ] - J. Budziszewski, "Even Without the Bible, God Speaks"
[ http://www.boundless.org/1999/regulars/office_hours/a0000100.html ] - David Orland, "The Deceit of Gay Marriage"
[ http://www.boundless.org/2000/features/a0000307.html ] - An Open Letter on the Federal Marriage Amendment
[ http://www.family.org/cforum/extras/a0030937.cfm ]"We are appalled by criticism that the Federal Marriage Amendment, endorsed by the President, is - as The New York Times asserted editorially - "putting bias in the Constitution." Gay marriage has never been a constitutional right in America or any other civilized nation. No one wants to "take away" some supposed right. It is the rogue judges who are trying to create a new right. When even one state creates "gay marriage," all states could be forced to recognize such unions; a constitutional amendment is the only sure way to prevent that from happening."
- True Justice: Halting the Push for Gay Marriage
[ http://www.exodus-international.org/news_2004_0227.shtml ]"As I read of the 2600 same-sex couples wed in San Francisco last weekend, I studied a telling photograph that accompanied the article. In it, two small children looked on in confusion at the gay unions being formalized in front of them; they covered their eyes in shame as Mother locked lips with her new "spouse", alongside of several other same-sex couples.
"I thought of the confusion and shame we all feel as "in your face" gays and lesbians assert their right to justice. Shame, because we are caught between our "let's not rock the boat and alienate anyone mentality," and the conviction that gay marriage is not a justice issue at all but a bad idea empowered by strategic, deluded activists.
"As Christians seeking to be compassionate, and relevant to the market place, our mouths have nearly been shut. Our sin is not that of the raving fundamentalist; it is the sin of passive, naïve centrism. For this we must repent. For too long we have not exercised our rightful inheritance. As Christians, we hold the keys to what constitutes the Designer's vision for humanity, and His repair for the broken image. We must find our voices today. Otherwise we participate in the desecration of God's image in humanity. I believe that we should not ignore the unjust push for gay marriage. We must broaden our view to consider all who stand to lose if gay marriage becomes normative in our nation."
"Letter to the Honorable Steve Chabot regarding the potential
budgetary impact of recognizing same-sex marriages"
Congressional Budget Office, June 21, 2004
[ http://www.cbo.gov/showdoc.cfm?index=5559&sequence=0 ]Do married couples really recieve 1,138 "benefits" that are denied to same-sex couples? This report by the Congressional Budget Office debunks the myth that limiting marriage to one man and one woman seriously harms same-sex couples by providing documentation that the 1,138 legal provisions for married persons are not on the whole benefitial.
- Anton N. Marco, "Same-Sex "Marriage": Should America
Allow "Gay Rights" Activists to Cross The Last Cultural
[ http://www.leaderu.com/marco/marriage/index.html ]"This paper is a major revision of the previous public policy analysis of the issue of gay "marriage.""
"One thing is clear: America can expect a "battle royal" to rage over the same-sex "marriage" issue in coming months and years, at every level of government and the courts. Yoked to political spending in the national top tenth-of-one-percent range and strong media cooperation, gay activists' same-sex "marriage" message will resound forcefully across the nation."
- Francis J. Beckwith, "Wedding Bell Blues: Understanding the
Same-Sex Marriage Debate"
Christian Research Journal, Fall 1997.
[ http://www.equip.org/free/DH261.htm ]"Same-sex marriage proponents defend their position by arguing that government neutrality is violated when the state allows only people of different genders to marry one another. Yet the same-sex marriage position is far from neutral. It asserts that government ought to prefer a view of human nature that sees human institutions, such as marriage and the family, as artificial social constructions ruled by personal subjective preference. Because proponents of this view try to establish marriage on the basis of adult consent and desire rather than on marriage’s intrinsic value and the natural teleology (purpose) of the body (or person), numerous counterintuitive and irrational consequences result." ...
"The debate over same-sex marriage is a dispute between two different views of reality, neither of which is neutral. This dispute can best be described as a culture war between two world views whose proponents each believe their world view provides the most accurate description of reality as well as what is normative for human society. Once we understand this, then we can come to grips with what is philosophically at stake by the law’s embracing of same-sex marriage."
- "The Marriage Amendment"
First Things 136 (October 2003): 26-36.
[ http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0310/editorial.html ]"Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any state, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred on unmarried couples or groups.
"That is the proposed amendment to the Constitution that is now gathering powerful support in the Congress and in several states. Prudent citizens are reluctant to amend the Constitution unless persuaded that it is necessary. What would become the twenty-eighth amendment is necessary because the courts are moving toward a de facto amendment of the Constitution that mandates the radical redefinition of marriage and family. The question before us is how the Constitution will be amended: by judicial fiat or by “We the People of the United States” employing the means established by the Constitution. Entailed in that question is whether change will serve to advance a social revolution unsought and unwanted by the American people or will serve to secure an institution essential to the well-being of our society. The Constitution will be amended, either by constitutional means or by activist judges practicing what is aptly described as the judicial usurpation of politics." ...
A proper devotion to the principles of federalism has led some to question the amendment because, they say, it would “nationalize” marriage law. The nationalizing of marriage law, however, is precisely what the activists pressing for same-sex unions are on the edge of achieving. They hope that in the next few years same-sex marriage will be decreed by the Supreme Court. In addition, same-sex couples will travel to any state that allows them to marry or enter civil unions, and will then demand that their home states give “full faith and credit” to the judgment that recognizes their status. The great majority of same-sex couples contracting civil unions in Vermont, for instance, do not live in Vermont. They will be suing for recognition of their status in the courts of their home states. An additional and declared strategy is to attack the constitutionality of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, overwhelmingly adopted by Congress in 1996. One way or another, federalism is compromised. The marriage amendment will establish a general rule against same-sex marriage while leaving the matter of contractual unions and other nonmarital arrangements to the states.
- Charles Colson, "Gay Marriage And Defense Of Traditional
Marriage: A Breakpoint Compendium"
[ http://www.leaderu.com/socialsciences/colson-gaymarr-compendium.html ]A series of Breakpoint commentaries on the issue of gay marriage:
- The 'Love' That Won't Keep Quiet : The Gay Moment; July 29, 2003
- Our Last, Best Option: The Federal Marriage Amendment; July 11, 2003
- To ‘Promote the General Welfare’: Marriage and the Common Good; October 14, 2003
- Doing Your Own Thing: Why Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Undermines Family Stability; November 26, 2003
- The Marriage
Movement: A Statement Of Principles
[ http://www.marriagemovement.org/MMStatement.html ]A significant and thorough statement in support of traditional views of marriage.
The Marriage Movement: A Statement of Principles
Published by the Coalition for Marriage, Family, and Couples Education;
Institute for American Values; and
Religion, Culture, and Family Project, University of Chicago Divinity School
Copyright 2000, Institute for American Values
ISBN #0-9659841-6-8This Statement stems in part from a consulation of marriage leaders held in New York on January 24-25, 2000, and is sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage, Family, and Couples Education, the Institute for American Values, and the Religion, Culture, and Family Project of the University of Chicago Divinity School. The sponsors are grateful to their respective financial contributors for their generous support of this initiative.
- The Christian Institute: Statement On Gay Marriage
[ http://www.christian.org.uk/html-publications/gaymarriage.htm ]"Why Gay and straight relationships should not be equal in the eyes of the law."
- Sara Russo, "The Many Benefits Of Traditional
[ http://www.academia.org/campus_reports/2000/december_2000_4.html ]"Of all the traditional social institutions that have suffered at the hands of progressives during the last half-century, perhaps none has been so rapidly dismantled as marriage. Once considered the cornerstone of a stable society, the prestige of marriage has rapidly diminished, as it is increasingly viewed as merely one more "lifestyle." Many on the left argue that marriage actually causes significant harm, formalizing patriarchal dominance while subjugating women, and endangering their physical and mental well-being.
"Does marriage really deserve this dismal reputation? Absolutely not, say Maggie Gallagher and Linda J. Waite, authors of the newly-released work, The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially. Instead, as the title of their book suggests, Gallagher and Waite use extensive scientific data along with illustrative anecdotes to demonstrate that the traditional "'til death do us part" vow of matrimony creates a unique relationship that enriches the husband and wife in every observable way." ...
"Perhaps the most resounding point made in The Case for Marriage is how much our perceptions of marriage have changed in only a few short decades. As Gallagher and Waite put it, "In America over the last thirty years, we've done something unprecedented. We have managed to transform marriage, the most basic and universal of human institutions, into something controversial."
- Why Marriage Matters: Twenty-One Conclusions From The Social
[ http://www.americanvalues.org/html/a-wmm_introduction.html ]"What do we know about the importance of marriage for children, for adults and for society? There has been a sharp increase over the last two generations in the proportion of American children who do not live with their own two married parents, spurred first largely by increases in divorce, and more recently by large jumps in unmarried or cohabiting childbearing. A vigorous public debate sparked by these changes in family structure has generated a growing body of social science literature on the consequences of family fragmentation.
"This report is an attempt to summarize this large body of scientific research into a succinct form useful to Americans on all sides of ongoing family debates - to report what we know about the importance of marriage in our family and social system."
American College of Pediatrics, "Homosexual Parenting: Is It Time For Change?"
[ http://www.acpeds.org/?CONTEXT=art&cat=22&art=50&BISKIT=2920801063 ]This breif statement cites nearly thirty-five research articles and studies done on various topics related to homosexual parenting and its impact upon children.
"Are children reared by two individuals of the same gender as well adjusted as children reared in families with a mother and a father? Until recently the unequivocal answer to this question was "no." Policymakers, social scientists, the media, and even physician organizations, however, are now asserting that prohibitions on parenting by homosexual couples should be lifted. In making such far-reaching, generation-changing assertions, any responsible advocate would rely upon supporting evidence that is comprehensive and conclusive. Not only is this not the situation, but also there is sound evidence that children exposed to the homosexual lifestyle may be at increased risk for emotional, mental, and even physical harm." ...
"The research literature on childrearing by homosexual parents is limited. The environment in which children are reared is absolutely critical to their development. Given the current body of research, the American College of Pediatricians believes it is inappropriate, potentially hazardous to children, and dangerously irresponsible to change the age-old prohibition on homosexual parenting, whether by adoption, foster care, or by reproductive manipulation. This position is rooted in the best available science."
- Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognitions to
Unions Between Homosexual Persons
Vatican City, 2003
[ http://www.ewtn.com/library/CURIA/CDfhomun.htm ]The Vatican's statement on proposals for homosexual marriage. It concludes:
"The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions. The common good requires that laws recognize, promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family, the primary unit of society. Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself."
- Stephen Harper, "Protecting The Traditional Definition Of
Marriage In Canada"
Canadian House of Commons, September 16, 2003.
[ http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/marriage/mf0041.html ]"Canadian Alliance Leader Stephen Harper blasted the government of Canada in the House of Commons for its failure to protect marriage in what is being described as the best speech Harper has ever delivered. A motion to affirm the traditional heterosexual definition of marriage was defeated by a vote of 132-137 in large part because of the efforts of Catholic Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the lobbying of members of his caucus."
- Pete Winn, "They Want Marriage To Mean Nothing"
October 15, 2003.
[ http://www.family.org/cforum/feature/a0028405.cfm ]An interview with Colorado Representative Marilyn Musgrave, sponsor of the Federal Marriage Ammendment.
"Family and marriage are not only the cornerstones of civilization, they are the cornerstones of the life of Marilyn Musgrave, the Colorado congresswoman who introduced the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)in the House of Representatives.
"Musgrave, serving her first term, has long been a strong supporter of pro-life legislation. Before her election in 2002, she was a top pro-family lawmaker in the Centennial State.
"As important as politics are to her though, her family is more important. With Congress in its fall recess, Musgrave took time recently to discuss her perspective on the threat facing marriage with CitizenLink Associate Editor Pete Winn. Not surprisingly, she did so - she said - with her 2-1/2 year-old granddaughter, Audrey, sitting on her lap."
- Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, "The Destruction Of Marriage Precedes
The Death Of A Culture"
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1340 ]"Carl Wilson notes that decadent cultures display seven typical characteristics: Men reject spiritual and moral development as the leaders of families; men begin to neglect their families in search of material gain; men begin to engage in adulterous relationships or homosexual sex; women begin to devalue the role of motherhood and homemaker; husbands and wives begin to compete with each other and families disintegrate; selfish individualism fragments society into warring factions; and men and women lose faith in God and reject all authority over their lives. Soon, moral anarchy reigns. When the family collapses, the society soon follows."
- TVC Leader Travels To Massachusetts To Defend Marriage!
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1321 ] - Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, "Traditional Marriage Is Worth
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1231 ] - Same-Sex Marriages And Domestic Partnerships: Are They Good For
Families And Society? [PDF]
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=22 ]"These and other findings clearly show that our society must not approve of domestic partnerships. Societal approval of same-sex marriages is likely to lead to the increased spread of disease and death from HIV infection, the normalization of pedophilia, and polygamy. Our society must not approve of behaviors that destroy the lives of women and children."
- Domestic Battering: Homosexual couples experience high rates of
physical violence and emotional abuse. [PDF]
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/DomesticBattering.pdf ]"Despite homosexual claims that "Love Makes A Family," homosexual domestic partners are experiencing an epidemic of violence - both physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their "lovers." Until recently, this was a dirty little secret that was kept from the public. In a PBS "All Things Considered" interview with a Boston homosexual activist in 1996, the commentator noted that the problem of homosexual domestic partner "battering" is not new. According to homosexual activists, battering has "been kept quiet in the gay community for political reasons. It was dirty laundry that didn't need to be aired in public." ...
"It is instructive to compare the various published statistics of how many homosexuals are victims of samesex violence each year to how many "hate crimes" are committed against homosexuals by heterosexuals. In TVC's special report, Hate Crime Legislation: Unequal Treatment Under the Law, we noted that the latest FBI hate crime statistics are from 1999. They indicate that in that year only 1,317 hate crime incidents involving homosexuals were listed. Of those, many of them were name-calling or simple assault. In 1998, there were 16,914 murders committed. Only four were considered hate-motivated murders against homosexuals. This is not stated to minimize the horror of murder, but to point out that overall, homosexuals are relatively free of violence directed at them because of their sexual behavior."
- Homosexuals Attack The Institution Of Marriage [PDF]
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/pdf_files/HomoMarriage.PDF ] - Do Homosexuals Really Want The Right To Marry?
[ http://www.traditionalvalues.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1150 ]
Articles relating to Homosexuality and AIDS
- Michael McKenzie, "AIDS: Reaping the Whirlwind "
[ http://www.equip.org/free/DA130.htm ] - Hank Hanegraaff, "AIDS: The Ripened Fruit of the Sexual
[ http://www.equip.org/free/DA132.htm ]
Articles on Biblical Reinterpretation
- Does the Bible Approve of Homosexuality?
Reason & Revelation, April 1995, 15[4]:31-32
[ http://www.apologeticspress.org/rr/rr1995/r&r9504b.htm ]"The conclusion is this: every time homosexual behavior is mentioned, it is condemned. The Bible is not homophobic (i.e., obsessively hostile toward homosexuality), but it clearly treats heterosexuality as normative (1 Corinthians 7; Ephesians 5; 1 Peter 3; et al.). These unsuccessful attempts to reinterpret the Bible’s teaching on the subject raise an even more crucial question: What Scripture can be presented that legitimizes homosexuality?"
- Rob Harbison
Homosexual Attacks Against Scripture
[ http://www.rome4christ.com/reflectn/gwcs15.html ]This article focuses on the theological attempts to justify homosexual behavior from scripture:
"First, prejudice against homosexuals is blamed for the intentional misunderstanding most Christians have about the Bible's teaching on homosexuality. Second, the motives of conservative leaders, preachers, and churches are questioned in an attempt to discount their Bible-based objections to homosexuality.
"Third, the Scriptures that have always been understood to condemn homosexuality are questioned, and claims are made that those words and passages have been mistranslated. We are told the Bible should be taken literally in its original language, but the translators have made that impossible for most people because of their biased mistranslations of those passages. Fourth, the claim is made that the Bible verses which seem to prohibit homosexuality have been taken out of their original context and had their meaning perverted, or that those statements only applied to cultural idiosyncrasies during the time periods when they were written.
"These methods have effectively bolstered the faith of those in the pro-gay movement, and questioned previously held conclusions in the minds of others."
Discussion here centers on the topics of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Law of Moses vs. the Law of Grace, interpretations of Levitical laws, and readings of various New Testament passages. This page draws out the interpretive errors that run throughout the attempts to legitimize homosexual behavior from scripture.
- Robert Gagnon, Ph.D. "Slavery, Homosexuality, and the Bible: A
[ http://www.robgagnon.net/RespKrehbiel.htm ]"Rev. Krehbiel has written a 'Viewpoint' piece for Presbyweb (Feb. 4, 2004) in which he insists that the Bible's stance on slavery is analogous to the Bible's stance on homosexual behavior. It is not. Slavery is a very bad analogue and the use of it as such reflects badly on the hermeneutical acumen of those who employ it."
- Robert Gagnon, Ph.D. "Slavery, Homosexuality, and the
Bible: Part II"
[ http://www.robgagnon.net/KrehbielResponse2.htm ] - Haas, Guenther. "Hermeneutical Issues In the Use of the Bible
to Justify the Acceptance of Homosexual Practice"
Global Journal of Classical Theology, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2/99)
[ http://www.trinitysem.edu/journal/haas_hermen.html ] - Marzioli, Albert L. "Homosexuality and the Bible."
[ http://www.tdl.com/~marzioli/question.htm ] - J. P. Holding, "The Gay Blade: Romans 1:27 and
[ http://www.tektonics.org/romhom.html ] - J. P. Holding, "Does Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 Flat-Out
Condemn Homosexuality?"
[ http://www.tektonics.org/lev18.html ] - J. P. Holding, "Were David and Jonathan Gay Lovers?"
[ http://www.tektonics.org/gaydavid.html ] - J. P. Holding, "Does John 21:20 Show That Jesus Was
[ http://www.tektonics.org/gayjesus.html ]"Bottom line: While it is possible that there is a "culture" factor behind these prohibitions, the burden of proof is on the liberal side to prove their case, which they have failed to do - politically-correct Harvard seminarian or not."
Articles on Homosexual Theology
- Kerby Anderson, "Homosexual Theology"
Probe Ministries International, 1997
[ http://www.probe.org/docs/homotheo.html ]"Does the Bible condemn homosexuality? For centuries the answer to that question seemed obvious, but in the last few decades pro- homosexual commentators have tried to reinterpret the relevant biblical passages. In this discussion we will take a look at their exegesis."
This essay is divided into two parts: The first half discusses the Biblical passages relating to homosexuality, whereas the second part discussed two studies that are often used to suggest that homosexuality is an inherited trait.
"Simon LeVay (a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute) has argued that homosexuals and heterosexuals have notable differences in the structure of their brains. In 1991, he studied 41 cadavers and found that a specific portion of the hypothalamus (the area that governs sexual activity) was consistently smaller in homosexuals than in heterosexuals. He therefore argued that there is a distinct physiological component to sexual orientation. There are numerous problems with the study. First, there was considerable range in the size of the hypothalamic region. In a few homosexual men, this region was the same size as that of the heterosexuals, and in a few heterosexuals this region was a small as that of a homosexual." ...
"Second is the chicken and egg problem. When there is a difference in brain structure, is the difference the result of sexual orientation or is it the cause of sexual orientation? Researchers, for example, have found that when people who become blind begin to learn Braille, the area of the brain controlling the reading finger actual grows larger. Third, Simon LeVay later had to admit that he didn't know the sexual orientation of some of the cadavers in the study. He acknowledged that he wasn't sure if the heterosexual males in the study were actually heterosexual. Since some of those he identified as "heterosexual" died of AIDS, critics raised doubts about the accuracy of his study."
Other studies, such as Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard's study of homosexual twins, and a 1993 study by a team of researchers led by Dr. Dean Hamer, are carefully evaluated to determine if the data supports the conclusion.
"Each of these three studies looking for a biological cause for homosexuality has its flaws. Does that mean that there is no physiological component to homosexuality? Not at all. Actually, it is probably too early to say conclusively. Scientists may indeed discover a clear biological predisposition to sexual orientation. But a predisposition is not the same as a determination. Some people may inherit a predisposition for anger, depression, or alcoholism, yet we do not condone these behaviors. And even if violence, depression, or alcoholism were proven to be inborn (determined by genetic material), would we accept them as normal and refuse to treat them? Of course not. The Bible has clear statements about such things as anger and alcoholism. Likewise, the Bible has clear statements about homosexuality."
- Joe Dallas, "Responding to Pro-Gay Theology"
[ http://www.leaderu.com/jhs/dallas.html ] - Derrick K. Olliff, Dewey H. Hodges, "A Reformed Response to
Daniel Helminiak's Gay Theology"
[ http://www.crta.org/social/hodges_response_helminiak.html ]Derrick K. Olliff, Dewey H. Hodges, "A Further Look at Pro-Homosexual Theology"
[ http://www.crta.org/social/response_to_helminiak_2.html ] - David C. Rowe, "Christian and Homosexual? Pro-Gay Theology and
World Reformed Fellowship, February 2002.
[ http://www.wrfnet.org/articles/printarticle.asp?ID=322 ] - Geoff Volker, "Sorting Out Theological Issues Homosexuality in
the Mosaic Law"
[ http://www.ids.org/ids/homosexuality.html ] - James White, Jeffery Niell, "Homosexual Christians? The
Unthinkable has become Thinkable"
[ http://www.antithesis.com/commentary/homo_christians.html ]
Articles on Homophobia
"The term 'homophobia' is often used inaccurately to describe any person who objects to homosexual behavior on either moral, psychological or medical grounds. Technically, however, the terms actually denotes a person who has a phobia - or irrational fear - of homosexuality. Principled disagreement, therefore, cannot be labeled 'homophobia.' "
- NARTH Position Statement: Homophobia
- The Homophobia Stops Here
[ http://www.inqueery.com/html/homophobia_stops_here.html ]"As our hands met in greeting each other, I tried to make eye contact with Phillip but he would not let me. The handshake was just a formality, and eye contact certainly was not necessary. After all, I was only there to tell him that he "chose" to be gay; then I would tell him that he must go straight or he's going to burn in hell, and I would most likely end the conversation with some lame cliché' like love the sinner, hate the sin.
"Or would I?
"Phillip may not have gotten what he expected on that day, but his hesitation to talk with me was, no doubt, justified. He, and others like him, know too well the prevailing attitude of many people toward individuals like himself. The derogatory tones coming from the pulpit, the chiding barbs of inflammatory humor about gays that sneak into daily conversation.
- How Homophobia Hurts Us All
[ http://www.inqueery.com/html/how_does_homophobia_hurt_us_al.html ]"At the same time the victims (or targets) of prejudice are oppressed, the perpetrators (or agents) and other members of the dominant group are hurt in some way as well. Although the effects of oppression differ for specific target and agent groups, in the end everyone loses."
- J. Budziszewski, "Homophobia: An Unfinished Story"
[ http://www.boundless.org/2000/regulars/office_hours/a0000240.html ]This dialogue is based on a real conversation between the author and a homosexual activist at a college campus.
- J. Budziszewski, "Homophobia: The Fallout"
[ http://www.boundless.org/2000/departments/your_turn/a0000269.html ]A response to a number of emails recieved on the topic of homophobia.
- J. Budziszewski, "The Seeker"
[ http://www.boundless.org/2000/regulars/office_hours/a0000301.html ]Another dialogue based upon a real conversation between the author and a homosexual open to change.
- Larry Houston, "Homophobia"
[ http://banap.net/article.php3?id_article=9 ]"Homophobia was a word coined by those advocating for homosexuality to be used to describe the “response” of those whose oppose homosexuality. Homophobia as originally defined was the “dread or fear of being in close contact with homosexuals.” There is some confusion as to where this word “homophobia” actually originates." ...
"What is clear, that this word “homophobia” is a poor choice of a word to use for describing the response by those who oppose homosexuality. The response is not a phobia in the clinical sense. This word fails to clearly describe what the response is. But for gaining acceptance of homosexuality and for political considerations the word has strong advantages. Much of the information that follows comes from those advocating for homosexuality."
- Larry Houston, "Discrimination for being ex-gay"
[ http://banap.net/article.php3?id_article=6 ]"Tolerance is often by those advocating for homosexuality just one of the many things they are seeking. That is tolerance for homosexuals. But there is one growing group of people that those advocating for homosexuality often do not show tolerance too, former homosexuals. At Harvard University where I am employed in Dining Services I came under investigation by three departments of Harvard after an article was published about me in the campus newspaper, The Harvard Crimson. These articles are available online."
... "The intolerance expressed to me, in these so-called investigations after a newspaper article resulted not in quieting an opposing view, but rather exposed what will surely continue to increase. Attempts by those advocating for homosexuality seek to have just one side of a deeply dividing issue expressed. My experience reveals that they only wish to express the view of tolerance for the acceptance of homosexuality."
- Gregory Koukl, "Matthew Shepard and Hate Crimes"
[ http://www.str.org/free/commentaries/homosexuality/matthews.htm ]"...[N]o one has any liberty to treat a human being like Matthew Shepard - made in the image of God - that way, regardless of his sinful condition (and we all share that condition), to beat him within an inch of his life the way this young man was beaten by two other college students. This is brutal, this is criminal, this is unconscionable, and it ought to be severely punished.
"However, hear me clearly: There is no direct moral or logical connection between believing homosexuality is immoral and gay-bashing. There is none. It does not follow that if you think homosexuality is wrong or evil, you are encouraging others to torment homosexuals. KABC talk show host Al Rantel - himself a homosexual - put it this way: This kind of thinking would make Alcoholics Anonymous responsible every time a drunk gets beat up in an alley."
- Tony Marco, "Does Opposing 'Gay Rights' = 'Hating
[ http://www.leaderu.com/marco/special/spc59.html ]"...Responsible opposition to granting protected class status on grounds of "sexual orientation" has nothing to do with fear or hatred of male or female genders, nor fear of "gayness." Why should we in any way fear people whose preoccupation with the sole, nebulous attribute of "sexual orientation" is so obsessive that it drives them to make only irrational claims, on none but specious grounds? How can we hate people whose identity is so fragile, and so totally defined by sexuality, that they are obviously terrified at what they imagine to be the slightest threat to its unbridled expression? Attributing negative characteristics to others without proof is the essence of bigotry. We have offered no proof of either hatred or bigotry toward gays. We think it is clear on which side of this issue the real bigotry lies."
- Is Ex-Gay Speech Hate Speech?
PFOX Press Release, June 30, 2004.
[ http://www.pfox.org/asp/newsman/templates/newstemplate.asp?articleid=114&zoneid=7 ]In an e-mail response to Virginia-based Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) upon receipt of the group's June 21 press release (see below), Prince George's (Maryland) Sentinel Managing Editor Vincent J. Swanson wrote, "I don't accept hate mail."
"This shows exactly why so-called 'hate crime laws' are dangerous," said Janice Crouse, director of the Beverly LaHaye Institute. "PFOX's message is unconditional love and telling the truth in love."
- Gregory Koukl, "Heterosexism"
[ http://www.str.org/free/commentaries/homosexuality/heterose.htm ]"...Just as homophobia has been used to draw the attention away from the issue of the morality of the conduct of homosexuals to the attitudinal problem that people have who judge homosexuals, this new term 'heterosexism' is apparently going to be incorporated into the discussion on the same level of racism to show prejudice ... So now there is the equating of any kind of moral disgust or offense at homosexuality, not only as homophobia, but as prejudice that characterizes a new type of 'ism' on par with racism and it's called 'heterosexism.'" ...
"It says, "The use of the word heterosexism provides another leap from an attitudinal bias to an internal problem just like the word homophobia did." So now it is refining the point to oppression if you disagree with homosexuality. You are prejudiced, you are homophobic, you are heterosexist and you are oppressing people."
- Dr. Warren Throckmorton, "'Ex-Homophobia': The National
Education Association's Intolerance of Ex-Gays Continues"
[ http://www.narth.com/docs/intolerance.html ]"Applying again for this year's convention in New Orleans, PFOX leaders were simply told their application would not be accepted. The NEA's press office did not respond to my phone and email attempts to get their take on the issue.
"Seeking fairness, PFOX filed a complaint with the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights. The reasoning is simple: if groups who work with students to affirm a gay identity are allowed to exhibit, then a group (PFOX) who works with those not wanting to affirm a gay identity should also be allowed access.
"The complaint will be heard later this month. The NEA may be forced to reverse this exclusion but the leadership has indeed demonstrated their position on the matter. Tolerance is a pretty great idea as far as it goes. But apparently there are two sets of rules, one for gay activists and one for ex-gays.
"With the NEA stonewalling attempts to present ex-gay information, one wonders what the leadership fears from ex-gays. What possible educational purpose is served by suppressing information?"
- "Homophobia": Labels and the Need for Open Debate
[ http://www.leaderu.com/focus/homophobia.html ]Leadership U's Articles on Homophobia:
"We have collected resources that examine the presuppositions at work on this explosive topic. Does homosexuality meet the logical criteria for special protections, like race or gender? Is homosexuality innate or learned? Does the removal of homosexuality as a disorder by the gatekeepers of psychology and psychiatry serve the very people who fall under its categorization? Does the right to marry assume any arrangement of gender? What about plain medical facts and their overwhelming indication that the medical establishment is harming those it purports to protect?
"How the sides discuss civilly when labeling (homophobic) passes as a case against opponents and when claims to equality become demands to transform the basic building blocks of the family and, thus, society? Can a common language even be recovered? Our argument is with the segment of the gay population and their straight supporters who are comprehensively changing our society to reflect their worldview. We hope this Special Focus may add to a free and open public discourse on a hugely important set of issues."
- James Nuechterlein, "This Time: When Insults No Longer
Copyright (c) 1996 First Things 65 (August/September 1996): 13-14.
[ http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9608/opinion/thistime.html ]"The political uses of argument by insult are difficult to resist, and they now extend well beyond the boundaries of race. Take the curious case of the term "homophobia," a word now commonly applied to those who in any way or for whatever reason find homosexual behavior objectionable or even problematic.
"People with phobias, it is generally understood, are people with problems. The dictionary describes the term as "an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object or group of objects." To be phobic is to be sick, in need of treatment. Homophobia, in this sense, is worse than racism: it compounds immorality with pathology.
"The only problem with the term is that we have in it an epithet in search of a condition. Beyond its ideological uses, it does not truly exist. It will be found nowhere in the clinical lexicon. There are, it is true, people with exaggerated fear of or aversion to homosexuals, but these are not today the people to whom the term primarily applies. A homophobe, in current usage, is anyone who objects to the agenda of the gay rights community. Homophobes are people who vote against gay rights ordinances and who resist recognition-legal or moral-of same-sex marriage."
- Benjamin Kaufman, M.D. "In Defense of the Need for Honest
[ http://www.narth.com/docs/indefense.html ]As mental-health professionals, we need a full and complete understanding of homosexuality. To understand anything about the AIDS epidemic, and the underlying psychological factors causing the spread of the disease, we must fully understand the homosexual condition and the factors which drive this self-destructive behavior. This will require much dialogue, and as I soon discovered, there is a lot of resistance to such an open discussion.
I saw that I could not turn to the American Psychiatric Association, or any other such professional organizations. All had totally stifled the scientific inquiry that would be necessary to stimulate such a discussion. It remains very politically incorrect - very marginalizing - to even make the suggestion of a dialogue that opens up the question of the normality of homosexuality.
"In recent years, religious groups have been the only organizations which have had the courage to undertake this kind of discussion, but they have not been assisted in any way by psychiatric professionals. And so NARTH was founded; it became clear that we must have a credible secular organization which could move beyond the strife and misinformation."
- Stanley N. Kurtz, "Is Marriage a Universal Right?"
From "What is Wrong with Gay Marriage,"
Commentary, September 2000, pp. 35-41)
[ http://www.narth.com/docs/universal.html ]"'A clear majority of the American public opposes same-sex marriage,' says Stanley Kurtz of the Hudson Institute. 'And yet this opposition, though real, is by-and-large silent. So striking is this general silence, that one cannot help but wonder about the reasons for it.'
"Three respected and moderately liberal Protestant theologians were recently asked to explain their views to a T.V. audience on the question of gay marriage, Kurtz notes. All were opposed to gay marriage, but they declined to appear because they feared being publicy labelled as 'homophobic.'"
- Bob Davies, "Seven Things I Wish Pro-Gay People Would
[ http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/narth/7things.html ]"I wish they would admit that many people are not happy with their homosexuality or lesbianism, and that this conflict is internal, based on legitimate, intelligent religious and moral convictions - not just the result of a so-called "homophobic" society which is forcing guilt upon people who don't conform to a heterosexual ethic.
"Stop throwing out the cheap, inaccurate labels like "internalized homophobia" to explain our motivations." ...
"Former homosexuals and lesbians should not be harassed and castigated by the gay community. But I have never heard any gay or lesbian leaders speak out against the violence (such as bomb threats and physical/verbal abuse) which some people perpetuate against Exodus ministries."
- Ed Vitagliano, "Temple Junior Dragged to Psych Ward After
Dispute Over Blasphemous Play"
January 5, 2001
[ http://www.afa.net/homosexual_agenda/ha010501.asp ]"Officials at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, allegedly had student Michael A. Marcavage involuntarily committed to a state mental hospital after he initiated a Christian response to a blasphemous play performed on campus. Marcavage is being represented by the American Family Association's Center for Law & Policy (CLP) in a lawsuit."
- Thomas Schmidt, Ph.D. "On the Dilemma of Civil
From Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
[ http://www.narth.com/docs/dilemma.html ]"The key issue in the link with civil rights is the issue of choice. Is homosexuality something that you are, like being black or elderly or handicapped or female, or is it something you do, like adultery or polygamy or incest? Those who practice these latter behaviors have certainly been discriminated against, economically and otherwise, but they are not linked to the civil rights movement."
- Apologetics Index: Westboro Baptist Church and Fred Phelps
[ http://www.apologeticsindex.org/w20.html ]"The Westboro Baptist Church, of Topeka, Kansas, is a hate group masquerading as a Christian church. Lead by the Rev. Phelps, members of this church target homosexuals with messages of hate.
"The church's website, www.godhatesfags.com, is listed as a hate site by many internet watchdog organizations. Its content is the verbal equivalent to what you would find in any other sewer. The same is true for its companion site, www.godhatesamerica.com.
"Needless to say, the despicable teachings and practices of this extremist group fall outside those of historic, orthodox Christianity.
"This group of pseudo-Christians can be considered to be a cult of Christianity."
News articles concerning the Westboro hate-group can be found on this website:
Religion News Blog
[ http://www.religionnewsblog.com/ ]
- Stonewall Revisited
[ http://www.stonewallrevisited.com/ ]Part of Christian Leadership Ministries' Leadership U., this site has a number of powerful testimonies of people who have left the homosexual lifestyle and have received healing and restoration in Christ.
"For gay, lesbian and bisexual activists, the word "Stonewall" signifies quite possibly the most important, single landmark in the worldwide struggle for gay rights. Most chroniclers of the homosexual rights movement trace the beginnings of the movement's militant phase to 1969 and New York's lower-Manhattan (largely gay-frequented) Stonewall Bar. There, for the first time on record, homosexual patrons fought back when Stonewall was raided one hot summer night by New York City policemen, who came hoping to arrest gay individuals for engaging in then illegal homosexual acts.
"Eyewitnesses claim that the homosexual patrons' counter-riot began when one burly, Stonewall patron hurled a lidded, metal garbage can filled with empty liquor bottles through a police car window.
"Ever since that night, "Stonewall" has been revered as an enduring symbol of the gay militant spark lit that night, which has become a gay/lesbian/bisexual militant conflagration setting America - and the world - aflame with gay rights issues and conflicts."
- Christianity and Homosexuality Home Page
[ http://www.messiah.edu/hpages/facstaff/chase/h/index.htm ]
This is filled with excellent resources, including testimonies from those who have come out of homosexual lifestyles, and several articles on the subject. - Regeneration Books
Books and resources on Homosexuality and Christianity
[ http://www.regenbooks.org/ ]"Regeneration Books is a part of the ministry established to make readily available the best Christian Books dealing with healing for homosexuality."
Regeneration Books strives to:
- Review all relevant books to come up with the best for the Christian reader, and carefully describe them in our online resource center and catalogs.
- Screen books to determine that what they offer is consistent with orthodox Christian beliefs and with the basic Exodus approach to homosexuality.
- Provide a single source for these books - with emphasis on those that are hard to locate.
- Another Way Out
[ http://www.anotherway.com/ ]"Another Way Out is sponsored by Christians who seek to help people desiring to change their sexual orientation. We pass no judgment on people in the world (1 Cor. 5:12). However, we offer hope to those who want change but have been told that change is impossible.
"We also seek to challenge born-again Christians who claim that God condones homosexuality for those within the true Church (those who have been born of the Spirit). While the Bible gives no instructions concerning sexuality to the unsaved, those within the redeemed community are clearly commanded against homosexual practice (1 Cor. 6:9-11)."
- NARTH: National Association for Research and Therapy of
[ http://www.narth.com ]"[A] non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the research, therapy and prevention of homosexuality.
"NARTH, founded in 1992, is composed of psychoanalysts, psychoanalytically-informed psychologists, certified social workers, and other behavioral scientists, as well as laymen in fields such as law, religion, and education."
NARTH's website is filled with research articles and published papers on a wide variety of topics related to homosexuality:
- Is Homosexuality Genetic?
- Activism in the Schools
- Clinical and Ethical Issues
- Books and Reviews
- ...and many others.
- Robert A. J. Gagnon: Associate Professor of New Testament
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
[ http://www.robgagnon.net/ ]Robert Gagnon has contributed a significant collection of articles and Biblical research on the topic of homosexuality. His website is literally a treasure trove of theological and hermeneutical studies that refute attempts to reinterpret scripture in such a way as to accomodate homosexuality.
- The Threshold: Articles on Homosexuality
[ http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/topic/homosexual.html ] - Stand to Reason
[ http://www.str.org/ ]
Commentaries on Homosexuality:
[ http://www.str.org/free/commentaries/homosexuality/index.htm ]
Transcriptions of commentaries by Gregory Koukl from the radio broadcast Stand to Reason. - Truth at School
[ http://www.truthatschool.org/ ]Deals with the promotion of homosexuality in public schools, countering myths with clear facts.
- Recovering from Pornography and Sexual Addictions
[ http://www.Porn-Free.org/ ] - Apologetics Index
[ http://www.apologeticsindex.org/ ]See "Homosexality, Lesbianism, Bisexuality, and Transgenderism," extended entry:
[ http://www.apologeticsindex.org/h17.html ] - Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays
[ http://www.pfox.org/ ]Website of Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays, a national organization that provides support to those struggling with homosexuality, as well as for family and friends seeking to understand the struggles of loved ones.
- Dr. Warren Throckmorton
[ http://www.drthrockmorton.com/ ]"Thanks for visiting this site. I am Associate Professor of Psychology at Grove City College and Director of the College Counseling Service there. However, I should note that the views expressed on this page are my own and should not be automatically taken as the views or official positions of the Grove City College."
"As you will see there is much concerning sexual orientation and homosexuality on this site. This area is of great interest to me and is currently my primary research focus. I also have interests in mental health financing and regulation although it may be some time before that material is archived here."
- Change Is Possible - Reparative Therapy in Europe
[ http://www.changeispossible.org.uk/ ]"The only online support group for European men and women undergoing Reparative Therapy, and their supporters."
- International Healing Foundation
[ http://www.gaytostraight.org/ ]"The International Healing Foundation (IHF), established in 1990 by psychotherapist Richard Cohen, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. IHF has educated, counseled, and trained thousands of men, women, and adolescents over the past fourteen years. IHF seeks to help each man, woman, and child in healing from past and present wounds, and empower them with the understanding of their value as a child of God."
- NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus
[ http://www.nea-exgay.org/ ]"A group of ex-gay teachers has formed a recognized caucus of the National Education Association (NEA). The new NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus is chaired by Jeralee Smith, a former lesbian." ...
"According to Smith, the Ex-Gay Educators Caucus will work to prevent discrimination and intolerance against ex-gay students, teachers, and their supporters. It will advocate a safe environment for all diverse populations, including ex-gay education employees and questioning youth."
- Inqueery: Addressing LGBT Issues on High School & College
[ http://www.inqueery.com/ ]"Today, more than 800 schools in 47 states have groups that offer those who have embraced their homosexuality a place to be understood and accepted, but many of these school based groups are hostile to the idea that many young people who experience same-sex attractions are choosing not to identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or trans-gendered.
"Most homosexual students who seek help from a school teacher or counselor are instantly referred to their community’s gay and lesbian resource center, or to their schools gay/straight alliance (GSA). These groups sometimes encourage students to identify themselves as homosexual, neglecting to offer students the ex-gay perspective.
"At Inqueery, we believe students who approach a teacher or school counselor with questions about their sexuality should be given information from both sides of the debate regarding homosexual orientation and development. They should hear the gay and the ex-gay viewpoints. Furthermore, we believe that high school sex education courses and textbooks should include the ex-gay viewpoint as well."
- People Can Change
[ http://www.peoplecanchange.com/ ]"Perhaps you have heard that altering sexual attractions is impossible, and that even to attempt it can lead to shame and despair. Or perhaps, on the other hand, you've heard that change is not only possible but in fact rather easy -- simply a matter of prayer, or will power, or thought control. Both views are extreme, in our experience. We know from our own lives that lessening and even eliminating homosexual desires while developing and fostering heterosexual attractions is definitely possible.But we also know that it requires deep emotional and spiritual work and personal growth, often over a period of months and even years. Change doesn't come easily, but we ultimately found it to be immensely rewarding.
"Our path is, admittedly, not for everyone. Anyone who is motivated primarily by shame to seek change is not only likely to fail at change but risks actually making the cycle of shame worse. Shame never motivates lasting change. Likewise, those who pursue change to satisfy other people - whether family, friends, religious institutions or society at large - are likely to find neither success nor satisfaction in trying to change when doing so is not truly their heart's desire.
"But if you truly are self-motivated to change.if homosexuality just doesn't "work" for you ... if it doesn't feel like who you really are, or conflicts with what you believe in and most want out of life ... we invite you to explore the healing journey of change that worked for us. For through it, we found the love, peace, brotherhood, wholeness and joy that we had been seeking all our lives."
- Behavior, and Not a Person
[ http://banap.net/ ]"This is the web site for Larry Houston. Some of my writings on homosexuality and society are below. The subject of homosexuality is personal to me. Up until about ten years ago I believed I was a homosexual.
"There are many things we can do. “Can I do this?” may be the wrong question to ask. The better question to ask is “Should I do this?” Also to be taken into consideration besides the consequence of a particular action is will this act be repeated to the extent that it becomes detrimental to our well being or the well being of others. Many things done once or in moderation may be acceptable resulting in little harm to ourselves or to others. But today there are many behaviors or addictions that have resulted from what was intended to be a singular act or acts done in moderation.
"Homosexuality certainly may be included in this discussion. When we understand what homosexuality is all about in an open and honest discussion everyone will benefit. Just because our bodies will respond to same-sex sexual stimuli, should we repeatedly allow it to do so. This quote by the German theologian Martin Luther I found very helpful in overcoming my struggle with homosexuality. These may not be the exact words, but the ideal is captured."
- My Genes Made Me Do It!
[ http://www.mygenes.co.nz/ ]A New Zealand website that discusses the scientific evidence for a genetic basis for sexual orientation.
- Exodus Youth
[ http://www.exodusyouth.net/ ]"Everyone is on a journey to find out who they really are. You are not the only one. There are so many messages out there. Different voices yell what's right and what's wrong. They try to tell you who you are and who you should be. It can be loud, chaotic and confusing.
"Through all the noise, you want answers to some pretty serious questions. Is gay ok? Are people born homosexual? Is there freedom from homosexuality? How do I find answers to my questions? What is the real truth?
"Exodus Youth believes there are real answers to these questions found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. God wants to show us His plan for our lives. He loves us and wants to walk with us as we pursue healing and freedom in Him. For some, these answers are offensive. For some it is just plain hard. For others it is completely life changing.
"Exodus Youth provides resources where you can find biblical answers to your questions, links to support groups, youth pastors and online encouragement. Whether you are sure about the path you want to take in life or not, I encourage you to check out some of these resources and challenge yourself in light of God's truth."
- Free To Be Me
[ http://www.freetobeme.com/ ]The goals of FreeToBeMe.com:
- To give young people tools for understanding same-sex attraction.
- To give young people who experience unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction the resources to address those feelings in a constructive way.
- To help young people who know someone who experiences same-sex attraction to respond to that person with understanding and respect.
- To provide resources for those who work with youth.
FreeToBeMe.com, launched in November of 1998, was the first youth website offering alternative perspectives on same-sex attraction. In the summer of 2000, Spanish and Polish versions went online, with the beginnings of the French version appearing in September 2001. Around that time, the site passed the 10,000 hits per month mark. From January of 2002 onwards, it has been getting over 20,000 hits per month.
This site is produced by New Direction for Life Ministries - Toronto, Inc., as a resource for young people of any or no faith. New Direction for Life is a Canadian organization which works specifically with men and women who choose to leave homosexuality while respecting those who make other choices. Our official mission statement is "offering Christian support to men and women choosing to leave homosexuality, and equipping the church to minister effectively and compassionately."
- Possible Alternatives to Homosexuality
[ http://www.pathinfo.org/ ]"PATH is a non-profit coalition of organizations that help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA) realize their personal goals for change - whether by developing their innate heterosexual potential or by embracing a lifestyle as a single, non-sexually active man or woman.
"Collectively, our organizations have worked with thousands of men, women and youth who are finding peace and fulfillment by resolving their SSA feelings in ways that are emotionally healing, gender-affirming, congruent with their deeply held values and beliefs, and supportive of their individual life goals.
"Some have transitioned out of a homosexual identity and lifestyle, while others have avoided ever fully going into it. Some have married and had children of their own. Some have saved their existing marriages and families. Some have found fulfillment in living as a single man or woman, with no homosexual involvement.
"Whatever their individual circumstances and life goals, they have found from personal experience that there are, indeed, positive alternatives that are right for them rather than living a homosexual life."
- Internet Ex-Gay Links
[ http://www.geocities.com/exgaylinks/links.html ]A large collection of ex-gay resources and ministries.
Ministry Referrals
- Living Hope Ministries
[ http://www.livehope.org/ ]Living Hope Ministries is a Dallas-based ministry to those who are recovering from homosexuality, and is a Referral Member of Exodus International for the North Texas Region.
Living Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 2239
Arlington, TX 76004
817-459-2507 - Desert Stream
12488 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066-3804
310-572-0140 - Exodus International
P.O. Box 77652
Seattle, WA 98177-0652
206-784-7799 - Love in Action
P.O. Box 2655
San Rafael, CA 94912 - AIDS Resource Ministries
12488 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90631 - Becoming Real
[ http://www.becomingreal.org/ ]Becoming Real seeks "to help Christian youth who are confused, questioning, or same-sex attracted, to know that they are loved and accepted by God without condition, and to help them walk in his light and find his healing."
- Setting Captives Free
[ http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/ ]A ministry of Saddleback Church:
"Setting Captives Free exists to offer Christ-centered Hope and Freedom to those in the grip of sin through accountability to Bible-based Truth resulting in the true enjoyment of Life in and for the Glory of God."
This website offers online courses for individuals struggling with sexual purity, eating disorders, pornography, overeating, smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse, as well as homosexuality:
Setting Captives Free: Door of Hope
[ http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/door_hope/ ]A 60-Day interactive course to teach new believers to enjoy a newfound relationship with the Lord and to find freedom from homosexuality.
This is by no means a comprehensive list; however it is a representative sample of the resources that are available. This topic has received a great deal of attention from Evangelical authors in recent years. Many more books are available through Regeneration Books:
Regeneration Books
Books and resources on Homosexuality and Christianity
http://www.regenbooks.org/ ]
Regeneration Books maintains a diverse inventory of books on homosexuality.
Recovering from Homosexuality
- Jerry and Stephen Arterburn. How Will I Tell My Mother?
A True Story of One Man's Battle with Homosexuality & AIDS
Nashville: Oliver-Nelson, 1990. - Comiskey, Andrew, Pursuing Sexual Wholeness: Real Help for
Christians Who Struggle with Homosexuality and for Those Who Minister
to Them
Santa Monica, Calif: Desert Stream Ministries, 1988. ISBN: 0-88419-259-8 - Konrad, J. A. 1992. You Don't Have to Be Gay: Hope and Freedom
for Males Struggling With Homosexuality, or for Those Who Know of Someone
Who Is.
Hilo, Hawaii: Pacific Pub. House, 1992. ISBN: 0-942817-08-7 - Joe Dallas, Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who
Struggle with Sexual Identity
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2003. ISBN: 0-7369-1211-8 - Dr. William Consiglo, Homosexual No More: Practical Strategies
for Christians Overcoming Homosexuality
Victor Books, 1991. ISBN: 0-89693-935-9 - Gerard Van Den Aardweg, Homosexuality & Hope: A Psychologist
Talks About Treatment and Change
Servant Publications, 1985. ISBN: 0-89283-265-7 - John Paulk, Not Afraid to Change: The Remarkable Story of How
One Man Overcame Homosexuality
Hartline Marketing, 2000. ISBN: 1-57921-150-X - Bob Davies, Lori Rentzel. Coming Out of Homosexuality: New
Freedom for Men & Women
InterVarsity Press, 1994. ISBN: 0830816534 - Leanne Payne, The Broken Image: Restoring Personal Wholeness
Through Healing Prayer
Baker Books, 1996. ISBN: 080105334X - Frank Worthen, Helping People Step Out of Homosexuality
Regeneration Books, 1991.
Homosexuality, Theology, and Biblical Interpretation
- Joe Dallas, A Strong Delusion: Confronting the
"Christian Gay" Movement
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1996. 1-56507-431-9Review of this book on Tektonics:
[ http://www.tektonics.org/JD.SD_1565074319.html ] - James R. White, Jeffrey D. Niell. 2002. The Same Sex
Controversy: Defending and Clarifying the Bible's Message
About Homosexuality.
Bethany House, 2002. ISBN: 0-7642-252403 - Robert A. J. Gagnon, 2002. The Bible and Homosexual Practice:
Texts and Hermeneutics
Abingdon Press, 2001. ISBN: 0-687-02279-7
Books on Same-Sex Marriage
- John R. W. Stott, Same-Sex Partnerships?: A Christian
Fleming H Revell Co. 1998. ISBN: 0-8007-5674-6 - Dr. James Dobson, Marriage Under Fire : Why We Must Win This
Multnomah, June 2004. ISBN: 1590524314 - Erwin W. Lutzer, The Truth About Same-sex Marriage: 6 Things You
Need To Know About What's Really At Stake
Moody Publishers, July 2004. ISBN: 0802491766 - Glenn T. Stanton, Dr. Bill Maier. Marriage On Trial: The Case
Against Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting
InterVarsity Press, 2004. ISBN: 0-8308-3274-2This book will be available in October 2004.
Academic Works on Homosexuality
- CIM Homosexuality Bibliography
[ http://www.fni.com/cim/bibliog/homobib.html ]Christian Information Ministries' website includes a significant bibliography of research material on the topic of homosexuality, including resources on homosexuality in light of history, issues raised by the AIDS pandemic and the medical profession, and sources on counseling for homosexuality.
- Ronald Bayer, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The
Politics of Diagnosis
Princeton University Press, October 1987. ISBN: 0-691-02837-0This book represents a detailed examination of the issues surrounding the American Psychiatric Assosciation's delisting of Homosexuality as a psychopathology in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders, Fourth edition (DSM-IV).
- Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse. Homosexuality: The Use of
Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate.
2000, Intervarsity Press. 0-8308-1567-8 - Elizabeth R. Moberly Homosexuality a New Christian Ethic.
James Clark & Co., 1983. ISBN: 0-227-67850-8 - Jospeh Nicolosi, Reparative Therapy of Male
Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach.
Northvale, N.J: J. Aronson, 1991. ISBN: 0-7657-0142-1 - Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. Homosexuality & the Politics of
Baker Book House, 1996. ISBN: 0-8010-5625-X - Thomas E. Schmidt, Straight and Narrow? Compassion & Clarity
in the Homosexuality Debate
InterVarsity Press, 1995. ISBN: 0-8308-1858-8 - Glenn G. Wood, M.D., John E. Dietrich, M.D. The AIDS Epidemic:
Balancing Compassion & Justice
Multnomah, 1990. ISBN: 0-88070-309-1
Homosexuality and Public Life
- Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the
Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today
Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2003. ISBN: 080542698-1 - Christopher Wolfe, Ed. Homosexuality and American Public
Spence Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN: 1-890626-23-6 - Christopher Wolfe, Same-Sex Matters: The Challenge of
Spence Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN: 1890626309
Other Resources on Homosexuality
- Chad W. Thompson, Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would: A Fresh
Christian Approach
Baker Book House, 2004. ISBN: 1587431211This book, available November 2004, discusses from the perspective of an ex-gay man how Christians can disarm the gay community by "loving first." More information can be found on the book's website:
Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would
[ http://www.lovinghomosexuals.com/ ] - Nicolosi, Joseph. 2002. A Parent's Guide to Preventing
Intervarsity Press. ISBN: 0830823794 - Piper, John. 1990. What's the Difference? Manhood and Womanhood
Defined According to the Bible.
Westchester, Ill: Crossway Books.This booklet, published by the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (http://www.cbmw.org/) is not distinctly about homosexuality, but addresses fundamental issues of the meaning of Manhood and Womanhood from a Biblical perspective.
- Mona Riley, Brad Sargent. Unwanted Harvest?
Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995. ISBN: 0-8054-6156-6 - John White, Eros Defiled: The Christian & Sexual Sin
InterVarsity Press, 1977. ISBN: 0-87784-781-9
- I Do Exist: Is a changed life possible?
Warren Throckmorton, 2004.
[ http://www.idoexist.net/ ]"This fascinating look into the lives of five former homosexuals answers many contemporary questions surrounding the possiblity of change. Inspirational from start to finish, this documentary describes the process of how people identify themselves as gay and then how a transition to a new heterosexual life is possible. "I Do Exist" demonstrates that change involves more than self-definition. Those who tell their story on this film describe profound reorientation of sexual and personal feelings leading to a greater sense of self-awareness and satisfaction."
"Supplementing the personal stories of change are the observations of psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer, psychology professors Dr. Mark Yarhouse and Dr. Warren Throckmorton and ex-gay advocate Arthur Goldberg. These noted experts give the viewer thought provoking perspectives on the controversial issues surrounding transition of personal sexuality. "I Do Exist" inspires and educates concerning one of the most talked about issues of our time."
Running Time: 48 Minutes, Audience: Adults/teens
Format: DVD & VHS - Bitter Sisters Suffering Sons
His Way Ministries, San Francisco, CA, 1992
[ http://www.hiswayministries.org/bsss/bsss.htm ]"Bitter Sisters Suffering Sons is a seven episode video documentary series that examines homosexuality, AIDS and the evangelical churches in San Francisco. The underlying editorial premise is that the Bible is true."
- Jeremiah Films
[ http://www.jeremiahfilms.com/ ]Produces several videos on Homosexuality:
Gay Rights/Special Rights
Jeremiah Films, Hemet, CA, 1993
[ http://shop.store.yahoo.com/jeremiahfilms/grsrv41.html ]Gay Rights/Special Rights (non-religious)
Jeremiah Films, Hemet, CA, 1993
[ http://shop.store.yahoo.com/jeremiahfilms/grsrvps42.html ]The Report: The Gay Agenda in Public Education
Jeremiah Films, Hemet, CA, 1993
[ http://shop.store.yahoo.com/jeremiahfilms/rgayv83.html ] - The John Ankerberg Series on Homosexuality
The John Ankerberg Show, Chattanooga, TN, 1993These videos can be purchased on the Ankerberg website:
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The John Ankerberg Show
[ http://www.ankerberg.com/ ] - Regeneration Books
Books and resources on Homosexuality and Christianity
[ http://www.regenbooks.org/ ]Regeneration Books maintains a diverse inventory of videos on homosexuality.
- Dr. Nicolosi, "A Parent's Guide to Preventing
From the Stand To Reason radio broadcast, November 17, 2002.
[ http://www.strradio.org/ ]This program addresses a number of common issues:
- Does God give us guidance for our lives?
- Understanding figurative language in the Bible.
- Taking the Bible seriously but not literally
- Why bother being a good ambassador for Christ if everybody is predestined already?
- Bob Davies, "Someone I Love is Gay"
[ http://www.cbmw.org/media/audio/conference/ram/A06SomeILoveIsGay.ram ] - Bob Davies, "Ministry to Persons Tempted by
[ http://www.cbmw.org/media/audio/conference/ram/A05MinistryToHomosexuals.ram ] - Regeneration Books
Books and resources on Homosexuality and Christianity
[ http://www.regenbooks.org/ ]Regeneration Books maintains a diverse inventory of audio resources on homosexuality.
Mailing Lists
[ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ex-gay/ ]ex-gay
is a mailing list supporting those who struggle with homosexuality, as well as for friends and family of strugglers. Membership must be approved and the message archives are private to members only."PFOX is Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, a support group for persons dealing with unwanted same sex attraction, and their friends and family. All group members must support the ex-gay community."
- Love Won Out
[ http://www.lovewonout.com/ ]"Focus on the Family is promoting the truth that homosexuality is preventable and treatable - a message routinely silenced today. We want people to know that individuals don't have to be gay. That's why we've developed a one-day conference for those looking for answers on this often-divisive issue. Whether an educator, parent, concerned citizen or even a gay activist, Love Won Out will inform, inspire and offer hope.
"At the Love Won Out conference, you'll hear from experts on homosexuality, learn how to respond to the misinformation in the public school system, change public opinion and much more. But mostly, you'll be reminded of the power of love and how it will always win out over fear, hate or ignorance. Logic and well-defended arguments have never won the heart. Such persuasive conversations on the truth of homosexuality have often intrigued minds, but it is the love of God that transforms hurting hearts.
"You can expect to get answers to tough questions, like:
- Is it genetic?
- Can it be prevented?
- What's being taught in schools?
- What causes homosexuality?
- What should I say to my children about it?
- I don't think it's right, so what should I do?
- What should the church's stance be?
- What about gay rights and minority status?
- How do I help my friend who's gay?
- Exodus Freedom Conference
[ http://www.exodus2004.org/ ]"Each summer, Exodus hosts a Freedom conference on the subject of recovery from homosexuality. This dynamic conference is designed not only for those who are affected by unwanted homosexuality, but also for pastors, the Church at large, mental health professionals and educators." ...
"In Matthew 18:20 Jesus says, "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am with them." Imagine what it would be like if the entire Body of Christ caught a glimpse of what the Lord intended for His creation with regard to sexuality. Just think how much better equipped the Church would be if everyone in it completely surrendered their sexuality to the Lordship of Christ.
"That is the vision behind The 29th Annual Exodus Freedom Conference:A Biblical Foundation and why we urge you to commit now to join more than 1,000 others at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California. We will be pursuing God through worship, education, fellowship and prayer for His answers on the issues surrounding biblical sexuality, healing from homosexuality, sexual addictions and the pursuit of His creative intent for human sexuality: monogamous heterosexual marriage."
Biblical Passages Relating to Homosexuality
Listed here are the major Biblical passages relating to homosexuality, as translated in the New English Translation (or NET). The NET Bible is unique in that it has detailed translator notes clarifying the issues involved in the translation - an important feature given how these passages are being re-interpreted today.
The NET Bible can be searched and downloaded online, free of charge:
http://www.netbible.org/ ]
Old Testament Passages
Genesis 19:4-5, NET Bible
19:4 Before they could lie down to sleep, all the men-both young and old, from every part of the city of Sodom-surrounded the house. 19:5 They shouted to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can have sex1 with them!"1 tn The Hebrew verb ידע ("to know") is used here in the sense of "to lie with" or "to have sex with" (as in Gen 4:1). That this is indeed the meaning is clear from Lot's warning that they not do so wickedly, and his willingness to give them his daughters instead. Their sin is homosexuality, not mere inhospitality (as is sometimes asserted). See W. Roth, "What of Sodom and Gomorrah? Homosexual Acts in the Old Testament," Explor 1 (1974): 7-14.
Leviticus 18:22, NET Bible
18:22 You must not have sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman;2 it is a detestable act3.
2 tn Heb "And with a male you shall not lay [as the] lyings of a woman" (see Levine, Leviticus [JPSTC], 123). The reference is to homosexual intercourse.
3 tn The Hebrew term תועבה (rendered "detestable act") refers to the repugnant practices of foreigners, whether from the viewpoint of other peoples toward the Hebrews (e.g., Gen 43:32; 46:34; Exod 8:26) or of the Lord toward other peoples (see esp. Lev 18:26-27, 29-30). It can also designate, as here, detestable acts that might be perpetrated by the native peoples (it is used again in reference to homosexuality in Lev 20:13; cf. also its use for unclean food, Deut 14:3; idol worship, Isa 41:24; remarriage of a former wife has been married in between, Deut 24:4; etc.).
Leviticus 20:13, NET Bible
20:13 If a man has sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman,4 the two of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves.4 tn Heb "[as the] lyings of a woman." The reference is to homosexual intercourse.
New Testament Passages
Romans 1:18-19,21,24,26-27, NET Bible
1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth by their unrighteousness, 1:19 because what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
1:21 For although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or give him thanks, but they became futile in their thoughts and their senseless hearts were darkened.
1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity, to dishonor their bodies among themselves.
1:26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones,5 1:27 and likewise the men also abandoned natural relations with women6 and were inflamed in their passions7 for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.5 tn Grk "for their females exchanged the natural function for that which is contrary to nature." The term χρησισ (crhsi) has the force of "sexual relations" here (L&N 23.65).
6 tn Grk "likewise so also the males abandoning the natural function of the female."
7 tn Grk "burned with intense desire" (L&N 25.16).
I Corinthians 6:9-10, NET Bible
6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners,8 practicing homosexuals,9 6:10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. 6:11 Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.8 tn This term is sometimes rendered "effeminate," although in contemporary English usage such a translation could be taken to refer to demeanor rather than behavior. BAGD 488 s.v. μαλακοσ 2 has "of pers. soft, effeminate, esp. of catamites, men and boys who allow themselves to be misused homosexually." L&N 88.281 states, "the passive male partner in homosexual intercourse-'homosexual.' ...As in Greek, a number of other languages also have entirely distinct terms for the active and passive roles in homosexual intercourse." See also the discussion in G. D. Fee, First Corinthians (NICNT), 243-44. A number of modern translations have adopted the phrase "male prostitutes" for μαλακοιν in 1 Cor 6:9 (NIV, NRSV, NLT) but this could be misunderstood by the modern reader to mean "males who sell their services to women," while the term in question appears, at least in context, to relate to homosexual activity between males. Furthermore, it is far from certain that prostitution as commonly understood (the selling of sexual favors) is specified here, as opposed to a consensual relationship. Thus the translation "passive homosexual partners" has been used here.
9 tn On this term BAGD 109 s.v. αρσενοκοιντησ states, "a male who practices homosexuality, pederast, sodomite 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Ti 1:10; Pol 5:3. Cf. Ro 1:27. DSBailey, Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, '55." L&N 88.280 states, "a male partner in homosexual intercourse-'homosexual.'...It is possible that αρσενοκοιντησ in certain contexts refers to the active male partner in homosexual intercourse in contrast with μαλακοσ, the passive male partner." Since there is a distinction in contemporary usage between sexual orientation and actual behavior, the qualification "practicing" was supplied in the translation, following the emphasis in BAGD.
Notice vs.11 here: Some of the members of the Corinthian church had themselves been homosexuals in the past. Two things to note: While the wicked will not inherit of the kingdom of God, some people had come out of their wickedness and now follow Christ. Every human has sinned, and without the transforming power of Jesus Christ we cannot inherit the kingdom of God. But there is also an implicit assumption - it is, in fact, possible to change - a change empowered by the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 6:16-20, as translated in Eugene Peterson's "The Message"
There's more to sex than mere skin to skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in the Scripture, "The two become one." Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever - the kind of sex that can never "become one." There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love, for "becoming one" with another. Don't you see that you cannot live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works.
This particular passage does not distinctly refer to homosexuality, but the issues raised here directly apply with it. I chose to quote this from "The Message" because wording is powerful and makes its point clearly.
I Timothy 1:9-11, NET Bible
1:9 realizing that law is not intended for a righteous person, but for lawless and rebellious people, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 1:10 sexually immoral, practicing homosexuals,10 kidnappers, liars, perjurers--in fact, for any who live contrary to sound teaching. 1:11 This accords with the glorious gospel of the blessed God that was entrusted to me.
10 tn On this term BAGD 109 s.v. αρσενοκοιντησ states, "a male who practices homosexuality, pederast, sodomite 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Ti 1:10; Pol 5:3. Cf. Ro 1:27. DSBailey, Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, '55." L&N 88.280 states, "a male partner in homosexual intercourse-'homosexual.'...It is possible that αρσενοκοιντησ in certain contexts refers to the active male partner in homosexual intercourse in contrast with μαλακοσ, the passive male partner" (cf. 1 Cor 6:9). Since there is a distinction in contemporary usage between sexual orientation and actual behavior, the qualification "practicing" was supplied in the translation, following the emphasis in BAGD.
In this passage, Paul makes it clear that the law makes clear the sinfulness of sinners, specifically mentioning homosexuality. It is clear from vs.10 that Paul sees homosexuality as contrary to sound teaching, and contrary to the gospel of God.
These observations will be expanded as time permits.
- Antinomianism and Transformational Grace
- What about Christians who hate homosexuals?
- Homosexuals - sensitivity toward non-Christian, and Christian
- Maintaining appropriate distance in dialogue
- The Christian's Relationship to the Non-Christian Homosexual
There is often a great deal of confusion of how Christians should relate to non-Christians, and this is particularly true in the case of homosexuality. Many Christians feel that they should completely separate from non-Christian homosexuals, even accuse and condemn them from a distance. This is not, however, what Paul instructed the Corinthian church:
I Corinthians 5:9-12a, NET Bible
5:9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. 5:10 In no way did I mean the immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers and idolaters, since you would then have to go out of the world. 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who calls himself a Christian who is sexually immoral, or greedy, or an idolater, or verbally abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person. 5:12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Are you not to judge those inside? 5:13 But God will judge those outside.
Paul is quite clear that we are to associate with non-Christians regardless of what sin they are involved with. Only those who claim to be Christian and yet are not showing the fruit of a transformed life does Paul instruct Christians to separate from. For a Christian who is living in sin, Matthew 18 applies and should be prayerfully followed. But this does not apply to non-Christians.
Nowhere does the Bible teach that someone must change before becoming a Christian. To the contrary, though man can change his actions, until he is transformed by the working of the Holy Spirit in his life, that change is only on the surface and cannot penetrate his soul. A non-Christian can come to Christ, even a homosexual, without changing himself first. But when a person does come to Christ, he will be transformed if he has truly made Jesus Christ Lord in his life.
- Extreme Narcissism
Narcissism can be defined as an inordinate and exclusive sense of self-infatuation in which the individual is preoccupied with his or her own self-interest and personal fulfillment. It is such a major problem in American culture today that it is a defining characteristic of the average pleasure seeker - self-denial is rejected and self-fulfillment is essential.
It is not unusual for individuals with extremely narcissistic personalities to be unusually sensitive to all forms of criticism, no matter how slight or carefully worded they are. Even basic constructive criticism of a narcissistic personality is received as a personal attack, putting him in a defensive posture and an agitated emotional state, often to the point of becoming completely unreasonable. Name-calling, catch phrases, sound bites, and anger become the weapons of choice.
I am taking time to explain this because this character flaw is a difficult obstacle to work through for someone who is trying to dialogue with a narcissistic individual. It is dangerously trivial to step into the minefield by taking the defensive attacks of a narcissistic personality personally. History is replete with examples of social conflicts where a cycle of hatred formed between two groups of people, escalating to warfare and genocide. Clearly, we must avoid this extreme at all costs. Christians in particular are called to a higher standard - to love our enemies, as Jesus Christ commanded. This is the only way to break through the cycle of hate.
Homosexual activists are very typically characterized by extreme narcissism. The search for self-fulfillment without discipline of self-denial describes homosexuality quite well, and along with this extreme narcissism comes an extreme defensive and aggressive over-reaction to criticism in all forms. This phenomena is responsible for the term "homophobia" gaining such an incredibly elastic meaning since it had originally been coined - elastic to the point of meaninglessness.
Despite the incredible need on both sides for open and thorough dialogue on this issue, the effects narcissism in aggressive reactions to criticism - on both sides - has led to a tremendous cycle of distrust from all camps. Christians are in a very unique position to break down these barriers, if they are willing, by patiently responding in love to the homosexual. This is something best done by prayer and careful attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Narcissism should have no place in the life of a mature disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Seeing the Sin, and Blinded to the Soul
One of the difficulties Christians have when trying to dialogue with homosexuals is a predisposition toward focusing on the sin and become horrified by it, and not on the root problem. There are two problems that are easy to confuse: Living an immoral lifestyle, and running from God. In the process of running from God, people run toward sin, and in the case of homosexuals, they run into homosexuality.
Unfortunately, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that it is a person's sin that keeps them from trusting Christ, and not realizing that it is a problem of the heart. As long as an individual is not a Christian, we should not expect him to live a moral life. Non-Christians have not experienced the transforming power of God's grace, so why would we expect them to live morally before they can respond to the gospel? Which is a more serious problem: their active sin, or that they are running from God?
Many homosexuals would love nothing more than to make the Christians look stupid and angry, because this discredits the Christian, and bolsters their cause. The Christian, by the power of God's grace, must not allow themselves to become angry and focus on the externals rather than on the soul. Within every sinner is a soul that God loves, and we need to have compassion on that person, but without compromising truth.
Christians can and should season their response to homosexuals with love. "Yes, homosexuality is a sin, but I am more concerned about the condition of your heart."
- The Repression of True Human Sexuality
I believe that we are in one of most sexually repressed cultures that has ever existed on the planet. Of course, it is ludicrous to say that sex isn't everywhere, available to everyone, any time, anywhere. But that's the problem: in the rush to liberate sexually we have destroyed all meaning and value present in sexuality. The subject is repressed and objectified for the purpose of generating a physically pleasing spasm. Sex has become so commonplace that its no more important than deciding how many pieces of toast one will eat for breakfast, yet deep within the human soul we cannot deny the transcendent element of sexuality. However our culture, determined to "liberate" us from prudishness, has demeaned the souls of both men and women, defining sexuality as merely a bodily act, in which there is no co-mingling of souls. It is little wonder to me that people feel empty and used after soulless sex - it had no meaning, and what is sex without meaning?
True sexuality is one of the most powerful of human expressions. Transcendence breaks through the mundaneness of life, bringing a revelation of the divine wisdom and love of the Creator in His creation of the sexes. He did not have to create man unisexually; instead He chose to create man and woman, giving each unique and complementary roles in the mystery of marriage and humanity. Our Creator was not prudish in creating the mystery of sexuality and then declaring it a sin, but was instead jealously guarding one of the most beautiful aspects of His creation. It is not a coincidence that an entire book of the Bible, the Song of Solomon, sings eight chapters of praise to the sexual love of man and woman. Our sexuality is a gift from a loving and wise Creator God, that was meant to be enjoyed within the confines of a loving relationship of a husband and wife, and with the powerful meaning associated with the potential creation of new life. These are things all humanity can celebrate in, understanding the beauty and holiness of marital sexuality. Because it is a gift of God that is beautiful, filled with intimacy and vulnerability, essentially powerful and enshrouded with transcendent meaning, it has unfathomable worth that must be protected and honored.
Unfortunately, as true sexuality has become repressed, sex itself has become expedient, a matter of recreational activity, no different than, say, bicycling or jogging. It maximizes the objectification of sex, desiring "a little fun" and saying "What we are doing here really has no eternal meaning." Sex becomes another consumer item - use once and then discard.
- Neognosticism
The problem with justifying sin by rationalizing it away is mentioned in Romans 1:25 :
1:25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie11
11 tn Grk "the lie."
In Greek, this literally translates to "the lie", which is the lie that goes back to the fall of man in Genesis 3, when man believed he could become like God, and decide what is right and wrong. This is the spirit of Neognosticism that is making dangerous headway into our culture.
Specifically, the new spirituality is manifesting itself in culture through homosexuality. On one hand, our culture is placing demands on women to be more masculine then ever before, while on the other hand feminizing men. The result is unprecedented gender confusion, driving us to an "ideal" androgynous society, in which sexual distinctions no longer exist. These concepts have been around since ancient times; they're simply coming to fruition again. The extremely Gnostic Gospel of Thomas speaks of the androgynous ideal as a matter of becoming "male":
"Souls are neither male nor female, when they no longer marry nor are given in marriage; and is not woman transformed into man, when she is become equally unfeminine, and manly, and perfect?"
- The Gospel of Thomas, saying 114
The Nag Hammadi texts repeatedly speak against the concept of man and woman, created by God for each other, as the Gnostic rejects this division of humanity as illusory. This culture, like the Gnostics, denies the transcendence of human gender as a trait created by God. This repression of true human sexuality is an evil of our day that can only be overcome by refusing to live the lie. This means accepting our genders as a gift from God and living in that truth, regardless of the changing mores of culture.
These ideas are much more thoroughly investigated by this article:
Peter Jones, "Androgyny: The Pagan Sexual Ideal."
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 43/3 (September 2000) p443-46.
[ http://www.cbmw.org/resources/articles/Peter_Jones_JETS_43.3.pdf ]
Maintaining a dialogue with a homosexual can be a long, challenging process, but there is hope. Not only is it possible to change - despite the rhetoric to the contrary - many in fact do change, but more importantly, many are transformed by God's grace. God made humans male and female, and the most satisfying relationship - sexually, emotionally, and spiritually - is between a loving man and a loving woman. The momentum is on the side of the Evangelical, because God's goodness is manifested in His design, while fighting Him is empty and drains life of meaning and purpose. Patience and love can reach the homosexual. Never lose hope and never stop praying.